Month: November 2021



The liver is an important organ located in the upper quadrant of the abdomen. It is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for more than a hundred important processes. This is why you need to learn the symptoms of liver damage and how to treat the condition properly.

12 early symptoms of damaged liver

There are more than 100 different liver diseases and each one has different symptoms. The most common ones are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis and fatty liver disease. The symptoms of these diseases are often misdiagnosed and detected far too late to be able to act. Here are some of the most common liver disease symptoms:

Upset stomach

Vomiting and nausea are the usual symptoms of many diseases including food poisoning, motion sickness, vertigo, depression, early pregnancy and others. However, they are also a sign of liver damage and occur due to the organ’s inability to filter toxins.

Loss of appetite

When damaged, the liver can’t produce enough bile, which results in loss of appetite as the food isn’t properly digested.


Feeling tired all the time can be an indication of liver damage as the organ works harder when attacked. In this case, more toxins accumulate in the blood and tissues and result in constant fatigue which mustn’t be mistaken for simple tiredness.

Digestive problems

The liver produces bile to digest food and fats, but when it’s function is impaired, it can’t produce the substance which leads to diarrhea and indigestion. Lack of bile can also cause fatty food intolerance, gallstones, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and bloating.

Changes in the color of the stool

The bile gives the stool its normal brown color, but when there’s a lack of it, it can make your stool yellow, gray or clay colored. If this is temporary, you have nothing to fear of. However, if the problem goes on for a while, you need to visit a doctor.

Changes in the color of the urine

The urine is normally yellow, but increased bilirubin levels in the blood as a result of liver damage may turn it to amber, green or brown.


Jaundice is a condition which turns a person’s eyes, fingertips, tongue and skin yellow. It is caused by excess bilirubin in the blood and should be taken seriously.

Fluid retention

Once the liver starts failing, it causes fluid retention in the feet and ankles which makes them look bloated. Fluid retention can also be a symptom of heart failure, hormonal imbalance, lymphatic disease and kidney problems.

Abdominal changes

Cramps, pain and bloating in the abdominal area can be a sign of liver damage. Ascites is a condition in which fluid is accumulated in the abdominal area and is one of the earliest signs of liver damage or disease. Liver damage can also cause high blood pressure in the abdominal blood vessels.

Skin itching

When the liver is damaged, it makes the skin more sensitive and may cause itching and flakiness. It can also make your veins and bruises more visible, and the problems won’t go away with a simple cream.

Abdominal ache

Although it may be caused by many problems, tummy ache can also indicate liver damage or disease.

Constipation, diarrhea, abdominal bleeding

The liver is important for proper clotting, so when it’s damaged it can cause bleeding, diarrhea and constipation.

This is just a fraction of the full list of liver damage symptoms. Liver damage or disease can also cause sex hormones imbalance and gynecomastia, and may also result in loss of libido. If you notice any of the aforementioned symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately.


That’s right, in this article we’re going to show you 20 incredible things you can do with Vaseline. Vaseline is natural and safe product, and it has many health benefits for your skin, nails and hair. A lot of women in the world use Vaseline every day.  Here are 20 good reasons why you should start using Vaseline every day:

Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to have smooth and soft elbows, apply some Vaseline on your elbows.

You can also use Vaseline if your lips are chapped.

Apply Vaseline on your eyelashes 30 minutes before you go to bed. It will make your eyelashes longer and thicker.

You should massage your feet with Vaseline, every night before you go to sleep. It will make your feet smooth and gentle.

Or, try this simple trick – before you shower, make a peeling with sea salt and Vaseline and use it.

Vaseline is very useful for massaging your shoulders as well.

You can also use Vaseline as a make-up removal tool. It’s very simple – just soak a cotton ball into Vaseline and gently rub off the make-up off your skin.

During the cold and winter days, Vaseline will protect your skin from the cold weather. How to use it – just apply Vaseline on your skin before you go out.

Ladies, apply Vaseline on your cheeks and you will look younger.

Vaseline also helps with bushy eyebrows. All you have to do is take a clean lash wand and comb your eyebrows.

Vaseline as mascara alternative?! Yes, and it’s very simple – just apply Vaseline on your eye lashes, and it will make them more natural and give them defined dark look.

You can rub in a drop of Vaseline through the scalp before shampooing. It will make your hair shiny.

Apply Vaseline on your skin after shaving! It will soothe and smooth your skin.

Vaseline is very useful when you dye your hair. Just apply Vaseline around the hairline and onto the ears before you dye your hair, if you have any problems with blemishes or burning sensation. This method is 100% effective and harmless.

Stop using the old fashioned lip gloss and replace it with all natural Vaseline. Your lips will be shiny and they will look much fuller.

Your perfume will last much longer. Just apply Vaseline on the area where you usually apply your favorite perfume.

Vaseline is also very useful and helpful if you have problems with acne, because it doesn’t clog the pores, but it fills the gaps in lipid barriers, which will make your skin shiny and it will even the complexion.

Vaseline is also very good as a skin moisturizer.

You can make the skin on your knees soft again. All you have to do is apply Vaseline on your knees.

Rub a small amount of Vaseline over your polished nails. It will give them new and shiny look again.

And last, but not least important – you can apply Vaseline on your breasts to increase their size. It’s very simple – just apply Vaseline before you go to sleep and that’s it! Ladies, there are plants that can help you with this “issue”:

The most effective plant is fenugreek. Fenugreek originates from Greece. You can buy this type of seed in any pharmacy. All you have to do is buy fenugreek seeds, put them in water and let it sit overnight, the next day you should massage your breasts with this water. Another plant that is good for breast growth is the greater burdock plant. If you consume this type of plant, then your blood flow to the breast tissue will increase and your reproductive organs will also work much better. Fennel is popular plant that contains high amounts of dianethole, photoanethole and anethole. All these compounds increase the estrogen in the female body. Fennel also contains high amounts of phytoestrogens, which are known to stimulate breast growth and they also stimulate the milk production in breast-feeding mothers as well.


It was exciting when I found out when my grandma showed me this excellent face mask that changed a lot for me, below you can find what and how you need to prepare this amazing face mask.

Face applying mask required ingredients:

  • 4 natural egg whites *.
    1 natural lemon, freshly squeezed.

We will use the egg white. A beaten egg white with 1/2 tsp. lime juice which in return help and tightens your skin and helps in closing pores. Froth the white with a fork smoothly, going forward mix the lime juice and brush it onto your face area. Next will follow to let it dry for around 15 up to 20 minutes, then wash it off with a warm water and wipe with washcloth.

You should keep in mind that actually its not a peel-off mask, instead rinse off, so you should  rinse it off (thus the variety of egg whites).

The egg whites give your skin a fresh look with radiance, also assists in taking off the blackheads and helping with  wrinkles issues.

Apart from this, I likewise attempted additionally to put ripe banana on my face. Mash a ripe banana until it’s velvety. Cover  every area of your face and then leave it approximately for 15 to 20 minutes. Next will be to wash it off and pat your face dry. The good thing here is that Bananas consist of anti-oxidants and minerals that assist the skin to restore itself and prevent forming of wrinkles.

Pharmaceutical companies for long time have been trying to shut these doctors down simply for revealing the truth about diabetes.

Scientific studies have proven that type 2 diabetes can be reversed naturally – but this information has been hidden and suppressed for decades.

There is a way for Diabetics to normalize their blood sugar, and be taken of totally of  all medication and insulin injections naturally.