Category: Healthy World



The chayote is a plant that is used as a vegetable to prepare some of our delicious dishes in the kitchen and is also known as chayote.

Many people consume it, however, because it does not have much flavor, many people decide not to eat it because they simply do not like to eat something tasteless, and what they do not know is that this vegetable is very good for health.

You probably know that many of the things that nature offers us have healing properties for us, and chayote is not the exception because it also has very beneficial properties for our health.

This vegetable can help us to cure various diseases besides it is wonderful if your plans include weight loss. If you want to know more about this vegetable, keep reading this post that we have prepared for you.

Benefits of the chayote for your organism

This vegetable, although it is used more for the culinary branch, has incredible properties that we can take advantage of if we consume it. Chayote has the power to regenerate our cells since it is rich in antioxidants.

If you do not know how to prepare it in the right way to take advantage of its properties that improve our health, here are some recipes that will go great if you want to treat diabetes.

Chayote and pineapple juice

Making a juice based on these ingredients will help you regulate blood sugar levels so it will also help you to improve the problems that come with diabetes of any kind.

Preparation: Boil the chayotes until it lobs and extract the pulp and let cool and then place it in the blender with some pineapple slices until you get a smoothie. Take the juice when it is cold. Take half a glass on an empty stomach.

This recipe also works for diabetes.

Preparation: Take the pulp of the chayote and liquefy it with 1 cup of coffee and consume it daily.

Juice of chayote, tuna, and lemon

Take the pulp of 3 Chayote, the juice of 1 lemon and 2 peeled prickly pears, and process in the blender or in a juice extractor and store the resulting one in a jar.

Take this juice every day in the morning for 1 month

You should know that can also be used for beauty treatments thanks to the amino acids and collagen that has helped to regenerate the skin.


Take 1 chayote and put it in 2 halves. Rub both halves, one with the other until you get a kind of pasta, add olive oil and mix until everything is united.

Apply at night and rinse the next day which is when you will remove it with soap and water.

Put these recipes into practice with chayote and improve your health. Do not forget to share.

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By reversing the effects of gravity on your legs and feet, you can really help to move any stuck or stagnant fluids that may build up there if you have low blood pressure, or spend a lot of time on your feet during your day. In this posture, you will be using gravity to your advantage.


Hanging out with your legs up the wall is one of the best ways to help drain tension from the legs, feet, and even the hips if you have them elevated on blocks.

If you have a strap around your legs, and have given yourself an extended period of time to allow your body to fully relax into the posture, you will find that tired, sore legs will feel a whole lot better once you come out of your posture.


You most likely know how good inversions are for you at this point—they can help to reverse the effects of gravity on the whole system, help regulate blood pressure, help move stuck fluids, and even help to improve your digestion.

However, sometimes the energetic expressions of inversions like Handstand are too much. We all have times in our lives when we need something that is just fully nourishing, and that is where Legs Up the Wall comes in.

You will still be getting many of the benefits of practicing an active inversion, while also fully resting and surrendering.


This posture is really intended to be a deeply relaxing pose. When you combine a longer hold of Legs Up the Wall with slow, rhythmic breathing, you will be tapping into your “rest and digest” nervous response.

In this state, your body will be actively digesting anything you have eaten, as well as working to heal and repair your body. When you do poses like Legs Up the Wall consistently for a period of time, you may notice that your body feels healthier overall, and that you are better able to find a calm state of mind.


As mentioned in the point above, this posture may help you cultivate a quiet mind if you practice it for a period of time. By fully releasing and relaxing your body and by focusing on deep breathing, you will evoke a meditative state.

Having the body feel safe and supported is one of the tools that we as yogis use to help reach this peaceful state. As you breathe, surrender and let go, you may find yourself slipping into bliss!

Drink 1 Cup of Turmeric-Water in the Morning and These Things Will Happen to Your Body

Drink 1 Cup of Turmeric-Water in the Morning and These Things Will Happen to Your Body

How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day, so it’s important to make conscious decisions from the get-go. Spicing up your routine with a glass of warm turmeric water could be the colorful concoction you need to kick-start your day,

Both turmeric and turmeric water have powerful anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties which can provide numerous health benefits, especially if you combine turmeric water with some lemon juice. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric is a potent antioxidant which has incredible health benefits. Here’s how to prepare the healthy turmeric water:


Half a lemon

Half a teaspoon of turmeric

Organic honey

Warm water


Squeeze the lemon juice into a glass, then add some warm water and turmeric and mix everything well. Add some honey to taste, and stir again as the turmeric easily falls down to the bottom of the glass. Drink the mixture immediately.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties

A great and serious problem is a chronic inflammation and causes damage to the tissues of the body.

Curcumin, as mentioned before, is the active compound of turmeric and has huge anti-inflammatory properties which has the same level of some of the anti-inflammatory drugs on market.

  1. Reduces The Risk of Heart Disease

Many studies prove that curcumin can prevent plaque accumulation which can clog arteries and many other more serious problems such as heart attacks or strokes. In a study there were 121 participants who needed coronary artery bypass surgery.

Before the surgery and after some days, participants took 4 grams of curcumin as a daily dose or placebo. The group which took curcumin had reduced risk of heart attack for 65% and this results are pretty much great.

  1. Relieves Arthritis

Turmeric is able to eliminate the harmful free radicals which can cause damage to the body cells because of the antioxidant properties.

People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis consumed turmeric regularly, and experienced huge relief from joint inflammation and to joint pains which are quite delicate.

  1. Acts Against All Types of Cancer

Curcumin can prevent proliferation or survival of approximately all kind of tumor cells. It is regarded as highly beneficial for everyone who suffer from any type of cancer.

  1. Controls the Levels of Diabetes

Another effect turmeric has is the lowering of the insulin resistance and prevents the onset of type 2 diabetes.

How to Use a Foam Roller to Relieve Lower Back Pain

A lot of people in America consider that they are healthy, as well as active. They go on morning runs, lift weights, as well as make regular trips to the gym. A lot of these Americans know what it takes to keep their bones and muscles as health as possible.

They usually have hydration, stretching, as well as cool down regimens to this effect. Pains, as well as conditions which come up are treated with stretching and potentially medication. However, not as many people think about the tissues which bind their muscles and bones together.

These tissues have to be treated carefully in the same way that individuals treat the other parts of their body when they work out. Foam rollers are essential in order to help you with this process. They can help with lower back pain too, which is developed during workouts or in the normal course of the day of a person.

What is the purpose of foam rollers?

The pain purpose of a foam roller is to release and relax the fascia throughout the entire body. Fascia is a term which is used for connective tissue and ligaments which help muscles function in the proper way. These parts of the body can be important just like muscles in some instances and can wear down like back area. Back muscles are one of the most sensitive muscles in the body. They need to hold up the whole upper half of the body to a certain degree together with a number of organs.

As a result of that, the fascia in these areas is one of the most susceptible to strain. Weakened or strained fascia can also result in a considerable amount of lower back pain. Some of the most common forms of working out, as well as stretching, only put stress on these parts of the body.

Foam rollers are actually meant to help relieve tension which is held in these tissues and heal lower back pain. A foam roller is a stiff foam log which is usually present at gyms or sold at sporting goods stores. The body rolling up against these foam logs will help you loosen the knots and taught sections of fascia throughout the targeted muscle groups. For long time, lean stretches of these connective tissues in theory are healthier, as well as have a reduced chance of leading to pain or sprains.

What are its best uses?

The best use of a foam roller is as part of any stretching routine. A lot of people have a routine where they stretch different parts of their body, before, as well as after working out. A foam roller can actually be used to stretch out a lot of parts of the body which are used during the workout. A persons simply places pressure down and rolls their lower back against the roller while it is on the ground. There is also another common use and it is simply to heal lower back pain. People roll at the area of their lower back pain regularly and at the same time every day. They may not then be more limber afterwards or have a more elastic lower back area. Even for people that are just using the foam roller for pain, stretching may be helpful in reducing the overall back pain.

Limitations to the use of foam rollers.

There are several limitations to the use of foam rollers. They can be used for a few forms of stretching and at several points in a workout. These tools cannot be utilized for strength training or cardio workouts. They are not going to make an individual lift more weight by themselves and are not magically going to make their backs better for lifting.

The foam roller is also not a substitute for some other forms of stretching. People should stretch their lower back muscles both before, as well as after working out and should focus on all of the areas which may be injured at one point or another. Instead, foam rollers are going to be helpful for flexibility and endurance for the workouts which a person is going to engage in.

Final thoughts:

The lower back pain is considered as a part of the life of a lot of people. Individuals may be energetic or sedentary and still have to suffer with such issues. However, a simple foam roller can at least help a person to manage his or her pain. Proper technique as well as regular use is essential to making sure the roller works.

However, with this combination, people can also ensure that they are going to be as limber and pain-free as they can be through a form of exercise.

Doctors Hide This Recipe! Here’s How to Get Rid of Bunions Completely Naturally!

Some inflammatory processes that occur in our bodies can lead to salt deposits known as bunions. Bunions can also appear as a result of wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.

Bunions appear more in women than in men, but men are also often affected by this unpleasant condition.

Bunions do not come always with pain, but they can affect the quality of life of people. It is enough that they are unattractive and a real pain in the neck if you cannot find the suitable footwear.

Bunions can be removed with surgery, but if you do not like the idea of you going under the knife, you can use a simpler method to get rid of the bunions for good. In this post, we present you a remedy that is completely natural and safe. It will help you eliminate the bunions quickly and painlessly. It will eliminate the salt deposits in your body, which are actually the cause of the bunions, and it will restore the normal state of your feet.

For preparation of this tea remedy, you will need 10oz/300ml of water and one tablespoon of crushed bay leaves. Put the bay leaves in the water and let them cook for about five minutes. Then, put the tea into a thermos, and let it stay there overnight. The following morning, strain the tea. This tea is not supposed to be drunk at once. Instead, you should take small sips of it throughout the whole day. do the same thing every day for one week, always using fresh tea.

This tea will increase your urge for urination, so during this week, you will be visiting the bathroom more often. However, it is a good sign and it indicates that the salt deposits are dissolving and are triggering the bladder.

The first results are going to be visible ten days later. Not only are you going to feel better, but the pain in your joints will also be eliminated. If you want to get rid of bunions for good, drink this bay leaf tea for two months.


Every individual has moles all over their body. Some are small, some are bigger, however their position on your body has a special meaning. There are moles which are related to a person’s wealth; others are related to a family fortune while others are related to a person’s health. So, do you want to know what do your moles mean? Read this article in order to find out.


A mole on the temple is related to travel opportunities. If you have a mole on this part it signifies that you will have the opportunity to travel. It might be a job opportunity, or travel for pleasure.


A mole in this area is connected to your career development and advancement, on the grounds that this is the career sector. It may mean that you are up for a promotion, a rise in salary or something along that line.


This area is related to your home. If you have a mole here it signifies that you are a person who is able to adapt. You are good with people and can assume a leadership position.


Having a mole on the upper lip, means that you worry the most about food and clothing. You have good interpersonal skills and also you are popular among your friends.


If you have a mole on your cheekbone it signifies that you will have a powerful position at work and your wealth will increase.


Having a mole on the inside of your palm, means that you will never be short of money. You are smart, ambitious and can easily have a leadership position. In a case, it is on the back of your palm it signifies that you have a strong financial ability and management and you are good with the economy.


To have a mole on the soles of your feet it means that you often travel, enjoy different cuisines and so on. Additionally, you are popular in the workplace, and you can be a good leader and be in charge.

So there you have it, look for moles on your body and see what they mean. It will be fun and exciting!

You Need To Stop Putting Toilet Paper Down On Public Toilet Seats Immediately

Nature calls! You gotta go – and you are not at home! Oh, nuts! Well, most of us will take a moment to pile the toilet paper on the toilet seat thinking that will protect us from harmful bacteria – well, actually, not so much! The toilet seats themselves, do not allow bacteria to grow on them. In the stall, the germs get spread around when the toilet is flushed.

They will attach to the door handle, the walls, the toilet paper dispenser, and the toilet paper! The germs settle onto the paper – and then we use it to wipe our faces and blow our noses! Yikes! Public restrooms are festering with bacteria – even the sink and air dryers.

The Journal of Applied Microbiology published a report that said the majority of bacteria is spread around when you flush or use the electronic hand dryers.

The air from the hand dryers is clean but, while the hand dryers are drying your hands, the force of the air also blows the bacteria and viral particles up into the air. The air is circulated around the room and contaminates almost everything!

Low mounted air dryers will often collect water that drips off people’s hand – that water is infested with bacteria. Paper towels are the better option when it comes to everyone’s health!

Your best bet is always to have some hand sanitizer or even baby wipes with you in case of nature calls when you are away from home!

One Month Before a Heart Attack, Your Body Will Warn You – Here are the 6 Signs

Sadly, heart attacks are one of the most common injuries in the nation. It has been reported that your body will give warnings signs of a heart attack up to six months before it occurs. Have you experienced any of these symptoms? If so, you may need to schedule an appointment with your health care provider.

In the United States, heart disease is the leading cause of death. It can cause a variety of ailments that affect your heart. Some of these conditions include coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, and congenital heart defects.

You can improve your heart health by improving your diet, exercising, taking iron supplements, and increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake through food sources or supplements. Meanwhile, watch for the following warning symptoms that your body may be prone to a heart attack.


A heart attack can occur when the flow of blood and oxygen to a section of the heart becomes blocked. The heart muscle begins to die from the lack of oxygen. If the blood flow isn’t quickly restored, that area of the heart can die. If medical intervention does not immediately occur, the entire heart can die, leading, of course, to death.



One early sign of a heart attack is extreme fatigue. Of course, fatigue is a normal feeling after engaging in physical activities or experiencing a long day. However, if you are constantly feeling fatigued and tired, you may need to schedule a check-up with your doctor to monitor the health of your heart.

It is not natural to get enough sleep, eat well, and not exhaust yourself physically, but still feel exhausted.


Another warning sign of a heart attack is a disturbance in your sleep habits. Your subconscious mind may be telling you that something is wrong. You may wake frequently, need to use the bathroom frequently during the night, or experience extreme thirst during the night. If you do not have a logical explanation for these sleep disturbances, see your doctor.


Experiencing shortness of breath can be a key warning sign that you are having heart issues. When your heart does not get enough oxygen, you can feel short of breath.


Another early warning sign of a heart attack is indigestion. It is not normal to always have a growling stomach. However, certain spicy and irritating foods can normally cause indigestion.


See your physician if you experienced increased levels of anxiety that do not have a ready explanation.


When your heart does not receive sufficient oxygen to function, it can send impulses to you spine. When this happens, the nerves that are interconnected between your heart, spine, and arms send impulses that cause pain in your arms. If you experience numbness in your arm, you may be having a heart attack.

Keeping watch for these early warning signs of a heart attack could save your life. Share this information with your loved ones to protect their heart, too!

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How Your Sleeping Position Affects Your Health

In average, 25 years of our lives we spend sleeping. This is important because getting proper rest is essential to our overall well-being. Sleeping has many benefits – it not only revitalizes the body but also makes the brain work optimally.

Since time is very precious, it is of the utmost importance that the time spent sleeping is well spent. This article brings you an in-depth analysis of the various sleeping positions to help you choose the right one for yourself. Check them out!

1. Soldier position

Also known as the soldier position, sleeping on your back with your hands at your sides is considered to be the best sleeping posture. This posture is similar to the Savasana pose in yoga, and it is known to have many health benefits.


  • Perfect position to rest the spine, neck, and arms.
  • Helps improve the overall posture.
  • Reduces acid reflux.
  • Helps maintain perky breasts.
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Decreases the chances of headaches.
  • Prevents facial wrinkles.


  • May aggravate snoring in people suffering from sleep apnea.
  • Can negatively affect a fetus.
  • Can cause lower back pain.


  • Try sleeping on your back without a pillow. It will keep your body in a neutral position and might help reduce snoring.
  • Using a large pillow under the back of your knees will help support the natural curve of your lower back.

2. Starfish position

In this position, a person lies on their back but with their arms up on both sides of their head.


  • Excellent position to rest the spine and the neck.
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Decreases the chances of headaches.
  • It helps reduce acid reflux since the head is elevated and the stomach is able to sit below, so substances from the stomach can’t re-enter the esophagus.
  • Prevents facial wrinkles and skin breakouts.


  • This posture may aggravate snoring in people suffering from sleep apnea.
  • The awkward position of the arms can exert pressure on the nerves in the shoulder, causing pain.
  • Can cause lower back pain.


  • Avoid using a pillow while sleeping in this position to allow your head, neck, and spine to rest in a natural position.

3. Log position

While sleeping in this posture, you lie on your side with both arms positioned downward in a straight line. Sleeping on the left is considered one of the ideal sleeping positions as it offers quite a few health benefits.


  • Ideal sleeping position for the spine as it receives complete support in its natural curve.
  • Prevents back and neck pain.
  • Reduces sleep apnea and snoring.
  • This is the best sleeping position for pregnant women.


  • As your top leg does not get enough support, the chances are high that you may develop back or hip pain.
  • Side sleeping can lead to skin aging, facial wrinkles, and sagging breasts.
  • It can cause neck pain.


  • As this position can cause neck pain due to improper support to the neck, it is recommended to use a big pillow.
  • Place a pillow between your thighs to support your top leg.

4. Yearner position

The yearner position is actually sleeping on the left side with the arms outstretched. It is recommended to lie on your left side to better rest your vital organs.


  • Prevents neck and back pains.
  • Lying on your left side can reduce acid reflux.
  • Helps reduce sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Relieves heartburn.
  • Allows the body to clear waste from the brain more efficiently and decreases the risk of developing disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Research shows that people sleeping in this position are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. This is most likely due to the comfort the body gets.


  • Restricts the proper flow of blood and puts pressure on the nerves, which may result in pain in the shoulders and arms.
  • Nerve compression may place a strain on internal organs like the stomach, liver, and lungs.
  • Can cause saggy breasts and premature skin aging.


  • Sleep on a satin pillowcase to reduce the chances of facial wrinkles.
  • Place a pillow between your knees to support your upper leg.

5. Fetal position

The fetal position involves sleeping with your knees drawn towards the chest and your chin down. It’s incredibly popular with women and experts suggest sleeping on the left side due to the benefits it offers.


  • Reduces snoring considerably.
  • One of the preferred positions for pregnant women.
  • Sleeping on the left side can help reduce acid reflux.


  • The extreme curl can put a strain on the neck and back, thereby causing pain.
  • This position, like other side-sleeping positions, can cause skin wrinkles and saggy breasts.


  • Use a firm pillow to support your head.
  • It is recommended that people sleeping in this position alternate sides during the night.

6. Freefall position

Lying flat on your stomach while sleeping is not the best sleeping position, and most experts advise against it.


  • In some cases, it has been found to reduce snoring.


  • Puts a strain on the spine and causes pain in the neck and lower spine.
  • Since the blood circulation is cut off from the face, it leads to the development of wrinkles.
  • Puts unnatural stress on the internal organs.


The chayote is a plant that is used as a vegetable to prepare some of our delicious dishes in the kitchen and is also known as chayote.

Many people consume it, however, because it does not have much flavor, many people decide not to eat it because they simply do not like to eat something tasteless, and what they do not know is that this vegetable is very good for health.

You probably know that many of the things that nature offers us have healing properties for us, and chayote is not the exception because it also has very beneficial properties for our health.

This vegetable can help us to cure various diseases besides it is wonderful if your plans include weight loss. If you want to know more about this vegetable, keep reading this post that we have prepared for you.

Benefits of the chayote for your organism

This vegetable, although it is used more for the culinary branch, has incredible properties that we can take advantage of if we consume it. Chayote has the power to regenerate our cells since it is rich in antioxidants.

If you do not know how to prepare it in the right way to take advantage of its properties that improve our health, here are some recipes that will go great if you want to treat diabetes.

Chayote and pineapple juice

Making a juice based on these ingredients will help you regulate blood sugar levels so it will also help you to improve the problems that come with diabetes of any kind.

Preparation: Boil the chayotes until it lobs and extract the pulp and let cool and then place it in the blender with some pineapple slices until you get a smoothie. Take the juice when it is cold. Take half a glass on an empty stomach.

This recipe also works for diabetes.

Preparation: Take the pulp of the chayote and liquefy it with 1 cup of coffee and consume it daily.

Juice of chayote, tuna, and lemon

Take the pulp of 3 Chayote, the juice of 1 lemon and 2 peeled prickly pears, and process in the blender or in a juice extractor and store the resulting one in a jar.

Take this juice every day in the morning for 1 month

You should know that can also be used for beauty treatments thanks to the amino acids and collagen that has helped to regenerate the skin.


Take 1 chayote and put it in 2 halves. Rub both halves, one with the other until you get a kind of pasta, add olive oil and mix until everything is united.

Apply at night and rinse the next day which is when you will remove it with soap and water.

Put these recipes into practice with chayote and improve your health. Do not forget to share.

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