Category: Prevention & Wellness


If Your Kidneys Are In Danger, Your Body Will Give You These 7 Signs

For your health, the kidneys are essential because they detoxify and cleanse the body by filtering 10-150 quarts of blood in a day.

Their location is under the rib cage. Their function is to eliminate unnecessary and excessive fluids from your body, regulate the electrolyte levels, produce more red blood cells, regulate your body pressure as well as keep your bones healthy and strong.

In case of their endangerment or if they are impeded, entire health is at risk. That is the reason why it is highly important to learn distinguishing the signs that the body gives you that indicate kidney damage and failure:

Urination Changes – the most common early symptoms of kidney damage:

  • trouble urinating;
  • urine’s color is pale, often need for urination and in large amounts;
  • foamy urine;
  • urine’s color is dark, reduced need for urinating or reduced amount or urine;
  • often urges for urinating at night; pressure during urinating.

Swellings – If case of a kidneys’ function damaging, the body cannot release excess fluids and this leads bloating of the face, joints and limbs as well as to swellings.

Metallic Taste In The Mouth – because of the waste deposits in the blood, you can have a bad breath or a changed taste in the mouth. If the kidney is severely damaged you can experience big change in the taste of some foods or a low appetite.

Fatigue – if the kidneys are at a good health, they will produce EPO (erythropoietin), that is, a hormone that is responsible for producing red blood cells which supply the oxygen needed for the body. If the red blood cells are lowered, you start to experience fatigue, brain and muscles damage. This is also a common sign of severe anemia.

Pain – another very known sign of kidney damage or failure is an upper back pain, just where the kidneys are, and this pain can be as well accompanied by kidney infections or stones.

Shortness of Breath – the damage of the kidneys can as well lead to shortness of breath due to the fact that the body is deficient of oxygen, because of the lowered number of red blood cells that deliver oxygen throughout all of the body. Their number is lowered due to the accumulated toxins in the lungs.

Bad Concentration and Dizzines – If there is deficient oxygen in the brain it can lead to severe anemia or kidney failure, which furthermore leads to poor concentration and focus, dizziness or memory issues or light – headedness.

Skin Rashes – the deposits that are waste can as well lead to kidney failure, and therefore the skin may be itchy and covered with rashes. As the waste gets accumulated in the blood, it leads to unhealthy appearance of the skin, making it look irritated and dry. This can be betters a little by using lotions or creams, but the real problem is internal and shall be treated in such a way.

Bearing all of this in mind, it is highly important to take a proper and cautious care of the kidneys’ health and consume high-antioxidant foods, supplements and a proper amount of water. This will help the functioning of the kidneys, prevent any complications of this kind, and maintain a good overall health.

The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic, Kills Any Infection In the Body

Whenever people have problems with some infection, they immediately turn to pharmaceutical products to get rid of it as soon as possible. Remember that infections in the body should not be always treated with antibiotics. So, why don’t you look for a natural solution instead? We have the right recipe for you. Besides from being very effective, it is very healthy.

Its preparation couldn’t be simpler and revitalizes you body, giving it back its proper function. You know that strong immune system means healthy body. Therefore, this remedy will boost your immune system and you can forget about infections and bacteria.Ingredients:

  • 3 cups of apple cider vinegar
  • ¼ cup of chopped garlic
  • ¼ cup of chopped onion
  • 2 fresh chili peppers
  • ¼ cup of grated ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of grated horseradish
  • 2 teaspoons of turmeric
  • 3 teaspoons of honey

This natural antibiotic has the power to cure many viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal diseases. It can even treat plague.


  • First, put all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar.
  • Then, transfer the mixture to a Mason jar.
  • Now, pour in some apple cider vinegar and make sure you fill it to the top. The best filling would be if 2/3 of the jar is consisted of dry ingredients, and the rest filled with vinegar.
  • Seal it well and shake.
  • Store the jar in a cool and dry place for two weeks. Make sure you shake well several times a day.
  • After the period of 14 days passes, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For best results, use a gauze and put it over it. For the whole juice to come out, squeeze well.

Put the tonic in the fridge. For getting maximum benefits, let the mixture infuse for six weeks. You can use the Master Tonic earlier, if you feel the need to. Consume one or two tablespoons few times a day as needed.

Never Drink The Water From Your Nightstand- Here Is The Reason

 Large number of people have the habit to drink water in the morning, right after they wake up. Probably your parents have told you that it is very healthy.

If you have this strange habit, probably you have noticed that the water have strange taste.The food contains sugars and proteins which cans be easily targeted by microbes and to come to pollution. Although regular water does not contain any of these nutrients and there is no explanation from which comes the strange taste in the water that stood on the nightstand over the night by your bed.

Still, there is large amount of dust and bacteria that can be gathered in that glass of water. When water is exposed to air it absorbs carbon dioxide and a small part of that CO2 is converted into carbonic acid, which means that water exposed to the air changes its chemical composition. So, when carbon acid releases one or two protons and is turned into carbonate or bicarbonate, it lowers the pH of water and changes its taste.

The water actually is not bad, but certainly has changed the taste after standing all night in the nightstand and gathering bacteria and dust from the air.

After reading this, surely you will think twice if you should or should not drink it.

9 Signs of Chemistry Between Two People

How do you know if you have chemistry with a person? Sometimes you just meet someone and are immediately pulled towards them. Sparks fly and it’s like the whole world slows down. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you feel that they’re experiencing the same thing as you are.

This is a romanticized but definitely not inaccurate idea of what chemistry is. It’s an instant connection, an intuitive bond, and something that sparks many great relationships. The magnetism is often powerful and palpable, impossible to ignore.

But doubts begin to form shortly after. Was it really a mutual attraction? Or was it just you, tricking yourself into believing it was chemistry when it was your own infatuation? Sometimes, the lines can become blurry, making it hard to tell for sure.

If you are experiencing these strong emotions and aren’t sure what to make of them, you just need to pay attention to what’s going on. If it’s real chemistry, you’re bound to notice some of these signs of chemistry between two people.


Nonverbal communication is just as crucial as verbal communication in ensuring positive chemistry and determining effective communication on the whole. Picture, for example, saying you’re sorry while glaring or crossing your arms, compared to apologizing with an open expression and body posture. It makes all the difference!

In addition, nonverbal cues are often more difficult to control – you can think about your words, but you have to be extra conscious of your body’s natural reactions and movements to stop your body language from being obvious. This is why body language plays such a huge role in spotting chemistry.

Some body language signs of chemistry between two people are:

  • Leaning in towards one another
  • Flushing
  • Licking lips
  • Sweaty or fidgety hands
  • Playing with hair
  • Crossing and uncrossing legs constantly

Body language is honest. It reveals many things we try to hide. That’s why these subtle cues can show chemistry, attraction, and a good relationship when verbal communication cannot. If you and another person exhibit similar body language, it’s a good sign!


Teasing can be childish, and it isn’t always a surefire way to gauge chemistry. That said, it does typically show that someone may be interested in you in some way. There can be subtle meanings behind teasing that you might not be paying attention to – and those meanings can indicate chemistry.

As children pulling pigtails in a playground, we may not have known what we were really trying to do. As adults, it’s more purposeful – it’s done to get attention, elicit reactions, and establish rapport. Here are some examples of ways of teasing that may do this:

  • Playful banter
  • Pushing each other lightly around
  • Using silly or cute nicknames
  • Picking on each other (harmlessly!)
  • Imitating one another

Do note that teasing, in this case, should never be done to offend or harm. Instead, it is a way of interacting with each other and showing affection in a more amusing manner. Many might even call you an old married couple because of how much you bicker!


Eye contact is extremely powerful when it comes to chemistry. Just by looking at how two people gaze at each other, you can tell a lot about their bond and connection. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, so what better way to get to know each other than through eye contact?

When you feel chemistry with someone, you tend to automatically stare at them. You can’t help it; it’s as though your eyes are drawn to their very being, and you can’t look away – unless they catch you, in which case you quickly avert your eyes and pretend you hadn’t done anything!

But that doesn’t mean that these same coy people glancing away from each other don’t also hold long periods of eye contact. They stare into each other’s eyes when talking and interacting, often until it becomes too intense and they have to look away. Some eye “postures” also indicate chemistry, such as:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Raised eyebrows
  • A fixed, focus gaze
  • A gaze that darts from the lips to the eyes


When there is a lot of chemistry between two people, everything feels more intense and incredible. That’s why your flirting is gentle and subdued. Even the lightest of touches can feel heavenly!

You experience everything so much more strongly, to the point where even just hugs or kisses on the cheek can feel like a lot.  You may prolong hugs, squeeze each other’s hands, or rub one another’s backs, and it all feels so much more passionate to you than other people may think.

In addition, subtle flirting can be a way for two people to express their attraction to one another without it being obvious to those around you. This makes it feel like there’s a little secret you both share. In the beginnings of a relationship, it can be especially subtle, as you are both learning to navigate the complexities of your chemistry.


It’s hard not to smile when you’re around someone you like. After all, you’re feeling this powerful magnetism that draws you to one another, and there’s no one else you’d rather be around at the moment. How can you not smile?

If you and the other person can’t stop grinning – or you’re obviously trying to control your smiles – there’s a good chance that there’s a lot of chemistry there!

Sometimes, you don’t need to even interact with them to enjoy the benefits. You just look at each other and automatically feel more positive. One simple look and your day is brightened. That’s the power of chemistry.


Small things matter a lot. Usually, we talk about this in reference to acts of kindness or subtle romantic gestures, but right now, we mean that noticing minute details in someone else can be a huge sign of positive chemistry. For example, you and the other person may notice:

  • A new hairdo
  • Little favorite things of the other person
  • New clothing items
  • How you take your tea or coffee
  • Nervous tics or habits
  • How to cheer you up

This also means you will remember a lot of things from each other, like “mundane” stories you’ve told. This is because you’re both paying extra attention to each other due to higher levels of interest.


Even in a room full of other people, you and this other person are most attentive towards each other. You’re always somewhat focused on what the other is doing or saying, even if you’re not interacting with them at the time.

This can also make you distracted during other areas of your life. You constantly check your phone for their texts. You find yourself struggling to focus at work. You forget about things you usually hold dear. Remember to try and strike a balance! Don’t forget about your friends and responsibilities!


When you’re with this person, hours feel like mere minutes. Time flies in ways that genuinely shock you, and it always feels like your time is up too soon. It can make you think that there will never be enough time to spend with them. This could be due to:

  • Deep, long conversations – it’s like you can talk and talk forever and never run out of things to say
  • Sharing common hobbies or fun activities to do together
  • Enjoying a comfortable, companionable silence
  • Just spending time with each other and doing your own thing individually, together

Even with all the time in the world, you don’t think you could ever find yourself growing bored. It’s an incredible feeling, and one usually only possible with great amounts of chemistry.


Chemistry can cause tension to stretch out between two people. Physical attraction and desire play huge roles in the signs of chemistry between two people. It can cause a space that you two inhabit to feel like the air is thick enough to slice!

Of course, do note that this type of desire and tension isn’t, on its own, self-sustaining. To rely on this alone when building a relationship usually ends badly. The best types of chemistry aren’t just about intimacy – they’re about the body, mind, and soul all at once.

Only A Glass Of This Juice Will Help You Unclog Arteries

The unhealthy lifestyle is the main reason for the death of more than 2500 people daily in the U.S. They usually die of heart attacks or strokes and statistics show that one out of three deaths is caused by cardiovascular disease.

Processed and fatty foods create fat deposits in the blood vessels that cause clogged arteries, thus creating cardiovascular problems. If you are one of the “victims” of unhealthy lifestyle, then the following recipe should be included in your everyday life in order to cleanse your body from toxins and unclog the fat from your vessels.

Take one cup of freshly squeezed tomato juice, 1 tablespoon of grated ginger, 1 hot pepper or ½ teaspoon of pepper, ¼ cup lemon juice and 2 celery stalks.

In a blender blend the ingredients all together which will give you an amount of one cup. Drink the juice between meals. You can also consume it up to 3 cups a day.

This Homemade Syrup Melts 1 cm of Abdominal Fat Per Day!

If you have a feeling that you have an overabundance fat not expected to your body, or some additional fluid present in your stomach territory, here is an answer for you. The syrup can be made at home and will take you just 10 minutes. Everything you can squander are 10 minutes of your time, yet you

Not just you can lose stomach fat and wipe out the water maintenance, however the outcomes have demonstrated that it is useful for your visual perception, hearing and memory.

Fixings you need:

  • 125g horseradish
  • 4 lemons
  • 2cm crisp ginger
  • 3 tablespoons of nectar
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon

Step by step instructions to set it up:

Put the horseradish and the ginger in a blender and after they mix well, include the lemon squeeze and blend for 3 minutes.

After include the cinnamon and nectar and blend till it gets syrup.

Put the blend in a glass container and devour 1 teaspoon of it two times every, prior day suppers or preparing.

Expend the syrup for three weeks and take a three weeks break thereafter.

Horseradish and ginger help you battle any sort of influenza, support the digestion, lessen exhaustion and invigorate the great microscopic organisms in your digestive organs. Rich with nutrients, minerals and cancer prevention agents they speak to the best blend for end the poisons and enable your body to recover once more.


Stroke can occur when a poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death. It is the no.5 cause of death in America and the leading cause of disability. There are two types of stroke: ischemic, caused by narrowing or blockage in the arteries which leads to the brain, and hemorrhagic, caused by reduced blood flow.

When the blood vessel that carries nutrients to the brain is ruptured by a clot or blocked, a part of the brain can’t get blood and oxygen that it needs to function and that consequently leads to cell death. The brain is a complex organ that controls numerous functions in the body, so when a stroke occurs and there is reduced blood flow to a certain part of the brain, some part or parts of the body that the affected part of the brain controls are not able to function properly.

Identifying the symptoms of stroke is very important in order to prevent the condition or get medical help on time so as to minimize the brain damage. This is also going to lower the risk of disability. According to the experts, the symptoms of stroke can vary from one person to another and depend on the type of stroke, the severity of the damage and the part of the brain affected. However, all stroke symptoms have one thing in common – they always occur suddenly.

Here are the most common symptoms of the condition:

Complete or partial paralysis;
Numbness in the left arm, leg or left side of the face;
Trouble speaking and understanding other people speaking;
Losing consciousness often;
Trouble seeing on one or both eyes;
Breathing problems;
Epileptic attacks;
Personality changes.

9 Signs of Chemistry Between Two People

How do you know if you have chemistry with a person? Sometimes you just meet someone and are immediately pulled towards them. Sparks fly and it’s like the whole world slows down. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you feel that they’re experiencing the same thing as you are.

This is a romanticized but definitely not inaccurate idea of what chemistry is. It’s an instant connection, an intuitive bond, and something that sparks many great relationships. The magnetism is often powerful and palpable, impossible to ignore.

But doubts begin to form shortly after. Was it really a mutual attraction? Or was it just you, tricking yourself into believing it was chemistry when it was your own infatuation? Sometimes, the lines can become blurry, making it hard to tell for sure.

If you are experiencing these strong emotions and aren’t sure what to make of them, you just need to pay attention to what’s going on. If it’s real chemistry, you’re bound to notice some of these signs of chemistry between two people.


Nonverbal communication is just as crucial as verbal communication in ensuring positive chemistry and determining effective communication on the whole. Picture, for example, saying you’re sorry while glaring or crossing your arms, compared to apologizing with an open expression and body posture. It makes all the difference!

In addition, nonverbal cues are often more difficult to control – you can think about your words, but you have to be extra conscious of your body’s natural reactions and movements to stop your body language from being obvious. This is why body language plays such a huge role in spotting chemistry.

Some body language signs of chemistry between two people are:

  • Leaning in towards one another
  • Flushing
  • Licking lips
  • Sweaty or fidgety hands
  • Playing with hair
  • Crossing and uncrossing legs constantly

Body language is honest. It reveals many things we try to hide. That’s why these subtle cues can show chemistry, attraction, and a good relationship when verbal communication cannot. If you and another person exhibit similar body language, it’s a good sign!


Teasing can be childish, and it isn’t always a surefire way to gauge chemistry. That said, it does typically show that someone may be interested in you in some way. There can be subtle meanings behind teasing that you might not be paying attention to – and those meanings can indicate chemistry.

As children pulling pigtails in a playground, we may not have known what we were really trying to do. As adults, it’s more purposeful – it’s done to get attention, elicit reactions, and establish rapport. Here are some examples of ways of teasing that may do this:

  • Playful banter
  • Pushing each other lightly around
  • Using silly or cute nicknames
  • Picking on each other (harmlessly!)
  • Imitating one another

Do note that teasing, in this case, should never be done to offend or harm. Instead, it is a way of interacting with each other and showing affection in a more amusing manner. Many might even call you an old married couple because of how much you bicker!


Eye contact is extremely powerful when it comes to chemistry. Just by looking at how two people gaze at each other, you can tell a lot about their bond and connection. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, so what better way to get to know each other than through eye contact?

When you feel chemistry with someone, you tend to automatically stare at them. You can’t help it; it’s as though your eyes are drawn to their very being, and you can’t look away – unless they catch you, in which case you quickly avert your eyes and pretend you hadn’t done anything!

But that doesn’t mean that these same coy people glancing away from each other don’t also hold long periods of eye contact. They stare into each other’s eyes when talking and interacting, often until it becomes too intense and they have to look away. Some eye “postures” also indicate chemistry, such as:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Raised eyebrows
  • A fixed, focus gaze
  • A gaze that darts from the lips to the eyes


When there is a lot of chemistry between two people, everything feels more intense and incredible. That’s why your flirting is gentle and subdued. Even the lightest of touches can feel heavenly!

You experience everything so much more strongly, to the point where even just hugs or kisses on the cheek can feel like a lot.  You may prolong hugs, squeeze each other’s hands, or rub one another’s backs, and it all feels so much more passionate to you than other people may think.

In addition, subtle flirting can be a way for two people to express their attraction to one another without it being obvious to those around you. This makes it feel like there’s a little secret you both share. In the beginnings of a relationship, it can be especially subtle, as you are both learning to navigate the complexities of your chemistry.


It’s hard not to smile when you’re around someone you like. After all, you’re feeling this powerful magnetism that draws you to one another, and there’s no one else you’d rather be around at the moment. How can you not smile?

If you and the other person can’t stop grinning – or you’re obviously trying to control your smiles – there’s a good chance that there’s a lot of chemistry there!

Sometimes, you don’t need to even interact with them to enjoy the benefits. You just look at each other and automatically feel more positive. One simple look and your day is brightened. That’s the power of chemistry.


Small things matter a lot. Usually, we talk about this in reference to acts of kindness or subtle romantic gestures, but right now, we mean that noticing minute details in someone else can be a huge sign of positive chemistry. For example, you and the other person may notice:

  • A new hairdo
  • Little favorite things of the other person
  • New clothing items
  • How you take your tea or coffee
  • Nervous tics or habits
  • How to cheer you up

This also means you will remember a lot of things from each other, like “mundane” stories you’ve told. This is because you’re both paying extra attention to each other due to higher levels of interest.


Even in a room full of other people, you and this other person are most attentive towards each other. You’re always somewhat focused on what the other is doing or saying, even if you’re not interacting with them at the time.

This can also make you distracted during other areas of your life. You constantly check your phone for their texts. You find yourself struggling to focus at work. You forget about things you usually hold dear. Remember to try and strike a balance! Don’t forget about your friends and responsibilities!


When you’re with this person, hours feel like mere minutes. Time flies in ways that genuinely shock you, and it always feels like your time is up too soon. It can make you think that there will never be enough time to spend with them. This could be due to:

  • Deep, long conversations – it’s like you can talk and talk forever and never run out of things to say
  • Sharing common hobbies or fun activities to do together
  • Enjoying a comfortable, companionable silence
  • Just spending time with each other and doing your own thing individually, together

Even with all the time in the world, you don’t think you could ever find yourself growing bored. It’s an incredible feeling, and one usually only possible with great amounts of chemistry.


Chemistry can cause tension to stretch out between two people. Physical attraction and desire play huge roles in the signs of chemistry between two people. It can cause a space that you two inhabit to feel like the air is thick enough to slice!

Of course, do note that this type of desire and tension isn’t, on its own, self-sustaining. To rely on this alone when building a relationship usually ends badly. The best types of chemistry aren’t just about intimacy – they’re about the body, mind, and soul all at once.

Never Drink The Water From Your Nightstand- Here Is The Reason

 Large number of people have the habit to drink water in the morning, right after they wake up. Probably your parents have told you that it is very healthy.

If you have this strange habit, probably you have noticed that the water have strange taste.The food contains sugars and proteins which cans be easily targeted by microbes and to come to pollution. Although regular water does not contain any of these nutrients and there is no explanation from which comes the strange taste in the water that stood on the nightstand over the night by your bed.

Still, there is large amount of dust and bacteria that can be gathered in that glass of water. When water is exposed to air it absorbs carbon dioxide and a small part of that CO2 is converted into carbonic acid, which means that water exposed to the air changes its chemical composition. So, when carbon acid releases one or two protons and is turned into carbonate or bicarbonate, it lowers the pH of water and changes its taste.

The water actually is not bad, but certainly has changed the taste after standing all night in the nightstand and gathering bacteria and dust from the air.

After reading this, surely you will think twice if you should or should not drink it.

How to Remove Skin Tag in 1 Night

The skin tag is the small growth of the skin which is usually around the neck, eyes, and underarms. Likewise, it is not necessary to visit the doctor for the treatment of the skin tags. If you choose to remove a skin tag, it’s possible to do so with products which are available in your kitchen.

The skin tag is mainly smooth and they vary in the sizes. Likewise, they are composed of the blood vessels and the collagen fibre which is surrounded by the skin. Still, there is not the exact reason for the skin tags. But the doctors have believed that it has something to do with the friction with the skin.
But don’t worry! Use can simply use the home remedies for getting rid of the skin tags. Home remedies are very effective and don’t have any side effects as well.

Here we have made a list of some of the ways of easy home remedies to get rid of the skin tags. So let’s have a look at them:

Onion juice for Skin Tag

Step 1: Take an onion and grind it properly

Step 2: once it is done, take out the juice of the onion

Step 3: Take a cotton ball and dip into the onion juice

Step 4: apply the dipped cotton ball on the affected areas of skin tags

Step 5: Let it be overnight

Step 6: Next morning, wash it off with the warm water

Onion juice and salt for Skin Tag

Step 1: Take a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of salt in it

Step 2: Mix onion juice in the salt and make a mixture (Onion juice has an acidic nature and it can effectively help in removing the skin tags)

Step 3: Take a cotton ball and dip in the mixture

Step 4: Apply the dipped cotton on the affected area

Step 5: After applying the juice on the skin tags, cover it with the bandage before going to the bed. Leave it overnight

Step 6: Wash of the affected area with the warm water.

You can repeat this process every night until the skin tags totally vanish. Moreover, this remedy works very effectively and you will notice the positive changes on your skin tags only in the few uses of it.