Can cocktail of aspirin, lemon juice, honey and water cure coronavirus? Here is the answer
The World Health Organization has debunked such claims and warned against self-medication or home remedies Adding to the list of […]
The World Health Organization has debunked such claims and warned against self-medication or home remedies Adding to the list of […]
Many women around the world have been obsessed with cleaning and skin care. No wonder, since the first thing we notice
Say Goodbye to Blackheads on Your Face With Only 2 Ingredients Read Post »
Scientists have designed a rapid, portable COVID-19 test that can provide results on a smartphone. Its developers claim that it
Portable smartphone COVID-19 test delivers results in under 40 minutes Read Post »
There is no doubt that vaping has gained plenty of traction amongst non-smokers and smokers alike. Vaping is basically inhaling
Face masks have become essential in the paraphernalia for prevention of the coronavirus pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, healthcare workers
Expert tips to prevent skin damage from face masks Read Post »
With summer around the corner, there are few who are preparing themselves conscientiously to eliminate those extra stomach fat kilos…
5 Types of Belly Fat and How to Get Rid of Them the Harmless Way Read Post »
A mounting body of scientific evidence suggests that sugar is even more detrimental to our health than was previously thought.
ears before this year’s anti-mask and reopening demonstrations, vaccine opponents were working on reinventing their image around a rallying cry
Facebook says it will ban ads on its platform that discourage vaccinations — with an exception carved out for advocacy
Facebook bans anti-vaccination ads but not antivax posts Read Post »
An unhealthy and indulgent diet along with a lack of exercise is all it takes to damage the heart and