Category: Natural Remedies



 Parsley is commonly used to improve the taste of our dishes, but this health-boosting herb provides more than that. For one thing, it’s a powerful diuretic that effectively treats urinary tract infections and other kidney-related health issues. Parsley is also beneficial because it prevents water retention.

The parsley tea we recommend here is widely popular across the Balkans. Don’t miss out on this amazing recipe that will not only boost your UT function, but also help you get rid of excess water in your body. The method of preparation is extremely simple.


  • 5 chopped parsley
  • 1 l. water


Start by adding the chopped parsley into a liter of boiling water. Remove from heat then leave for 20 minutes for the ingredients to blend well. Strain and drink!

By being a strong diuretic, parsley also helps remove toxins, bacteria and harmful substances from your body. It’s also a great antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of free radicals thus reducing the risk of serious diseases such as cancer.

The recommended daily dose for parsley tea is one liter. Although this recipe is extremely beneficial, don’t go over the board with it.

How To Remove Acne Overnight

A blind pimple can occur almost anywhere – on your nose, forehead, chin, or jaw. It is formed beneath the skin’s surface. It is often deep-rooted, and you may notice it only when you run your hand over it or when it hurts.

Blind pimples can be hard to get rid of. However, a few natural remedies may help speed up their healing. Scroll down to find out what they are.

What Is A Blind Pimple?

A ‘blind pimple’ is a term used to refer to the acne that develops under the surface of the skin. These pimples are not quite noticeable from a distance, but you can feel them under the skin when you touch it. They are usually a result of a nodule or cyst.

A typical acne lesion is referred to as a comedone. Whiteheads and blackheads are the mildest forms of acne lesions. A whitehead is a closed comedone, while a blackhead is an open comedone.

A blind pimple is a closed comedone that develops deep within your skin. As such pimples begin emerging through the skin, they may develop into whiteheads. In other cases, they just disappear. Blind pimples usually do not have heads like other types of pimples.

Let us now take a look at a few home remedies that can help treat inflammatory acne lesions like a blind pimple.

5 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples Under The Skin

  1. Warm Compress
  2. Essential Oils
  3. Raw Honey
  4. Toothpaste
  5. Aloe Vera

Note: Most of the remedies discussed below may help prevent the occurrence of blind pimples.

1. Warm Compress

A warm compress can help push the blind pimple to the surface of the skin. It can also help drain the pus within the acne by opening up your skin pores. It may also help relieve pain from acne (1).

You Will Need

A warm compress

What You Have To Do
  1. Apply a warm compress to the blind pimple.
  2. Allow it to work for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove the compress.
How Often You Should Do This

You can do this 2-3 times daily.

2. Essential Oils

a. Tea Tree Oil

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil can help fight the inflammation and infection associated with a blind pimple (2).

Note: Do not apply pure tea tree oil directly on your skin as it can cause irritation.

You Will Need
  • 1-2 drops of tea tree oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil (or any other carrier)
  • Cotton swabs
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix one to two drops of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of sweet almond oil.
  2. Apply the mixture directly to the blind pimple using a cotton swab.
  3. Leave it on overnight.
  4. Rinse it off in the morning.
How Often You Should Do This

You can do this once daily.

b. Cinnamon Oil

The powerful bactericidal activities of cinnamon oil can help eliminate acne-causing bacteria like P.acnes (3). They may help prevent the occurrence of blind pimples.

You Will Need
  • 1-2 drops of cinnamon oil
  • 1 teaspoon of any carrier oil
What You Have To Do
  1. Add one to two drops of cinnamon oil to a teaspoon of any carrier oil.
  2. Mix well and apply it to the affected area.
  3. Leave it on overnight.
  4. Wash it off the next morning.
How Often You Should Do This

You can do this daily.

3. Raw Honey

Honey possesses antimicrobial properties that work against multiple skin microbes. Its anti-inflammatory properties can also help reduce the inflammation in the pimple-affected area (4).

You Will Need

Raw honey (as required)

What You Have To Do
  1. Dab a little honey on the affected area.
  2. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes. You can also leave it on overnight.
  3. Wash it off.
How Often You Should Do This

You can do this 1-2 times daily.

4. Toothpaste

The main component of almost all kinds of toothpaste is baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial nature of this compound may help in drying and healing the acne faster (5).

You Will Need

Any white toothpaste (as required)

What You Have To Do
  1. Dab a little toothpaste on the affected area.
  2. Leave it on overnight.
How Often You Should Do This

You may do this once daily.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and healing properties that may help reduce the swelling and inflammation in the affected area (6).

You Will Need

Fresh aloe vera gel

What You Have To Do
  1. Apply aloe gel directly to the blind pimple.
  2. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off.
How Often You Should Do This

You can do this 2-3 times daily.


Sooner or later every woman has to go to the health practitioner with signs and symptoms for which it is uncomfortable to talk about. Redness, genital itching, swelling of the mucous membranes, stomach pain, foul-smelling secretions… Vaginitis is an irritation of the lining of the vagina precipitated via pathogenic bacteria or fungi. This sickness affects about 0.33 of women of childbearing age.

All these matters affect the content of glycogen in the vaginal wall, which is converted into the excessive attention of lactic acid (pH 4-4.5) and stop the unfold of bad bacteria. Alkaline surroundings in the vagina can cause any one of a kind diseases.

The use of antibiotics to treat this condition can exacerbate the problem, resulting in the spread of fungal infections. Drugs and other chemical substances can purpose allergic reactions and immoderate dryness.

But the appropriate element is that there is natural redress which normalizes the microflora of the vagina and put off the unwanted signs and symptoms of vaginitis. Important: Before starting treatment, however, you need to do some tests and locate out what precipitated the sickness (bacteria or yeast).



It’s very easy – you just have to mix 2 tablespoons 9% acidity vinegar with four cups of boiling water. Rinse the exterior components of your genitalia with this solution. Repeat this system each day till the unpleasant symptoms disappear.


Tea Here’s what you want to do – first, you need to bring four cups of water to a boil and add 2 tablespoons dried chamomile plants and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Rinse and wash with this potion, taking into account the severity of the disease. Note: make positive you use this method until the microflora is normalized.


Juice You ought to sincerely attempt this lemon juice remedy! It’s very easy – simply dissolve 1 tablespoon of lemon juice into 4 cups of lukewarm water. Douche with this mixture. And, you should additionally comprehend that the experts say that in order to stop further vaginal infections, consume dairy products, use undies made of natural fabrics, and for intimate hygiene use mild merchandise containing lactic acid. And, don’t neglect – it’s additionally very vital that your associate takes appropriate care of his personal hygiene, especially earlier than intercourse to limit the introduction of overseas bacteria into the vagina. We simply hope you discover this article useful and don’t overlook to share it with your buddies and family. Thank you and have a good one!

Burn Bay Leaves In The House And See What Would Happen After 10 Minutes!

It is mostly found in the Mediterranean and has been used as a natural remedy for many diseases for centuries back. The bay laurel tree has been considered to be sacred, and its branches and leaves have been awarded to poets and artists as a sign of accomplishment.

The bay leaves serve many purposes, and it is often used in the cosmetics industry for making perfumes, as well as in the culinary world for cooking.

These leaves are also practiced in medicine since they offer plenty of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants and provide anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties.

Bay leaves provide a lot of benefits if you burn them: Use a couple of bay leaves and place them in an ashtray. Light them up and let the leaves burn for 10 minutes.

What does this provide?

It cures a headache: since Bay leaves are full of cineol, pinene and elemicin compounds, these are released much more once burned and thus help with headaches and fatigue.

Reduce anxiety: Bay leaves also contain linalool, which is a compound that helps with anxiety problems and encourages communication. According to a study by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetics, you only need to smell this compound for 10 minutes and feel better instantly.

Keep the respiratory system healthy: Bay leaves contain myrcene and eugenol, which if inhaled after the burning can cleanse the lungs and alleviate the breathing.

And also bay leaves provide a lot of other benefits as well:

Deal with diabetes: Bay leaves are especially important in the fight against type 2 diabetes and they can easily lower the bad cholesterol, blood glucose and triglyceride levels.

By consuming the leaves you will diminish the sugar levels significantly and will improve the heart performance.

Because they are full of anti-oxidants, the bay leaves encourage the body to produce more insulin and keep the diabetes problems in check.

Keep the heart healthy: thanks to the rutin and caffeic acid-both organic compounds found in bay leaves, the heart can perform faster, better and is not exposed to cardiovascular problems. Rutin helps to strengthen the heart’s capillary walls, and the cafeic acid prevents the bad cholesterol levels from escalating.

Prevent cancer: as a result of the antioxidants and organic compounds abundance in bay leaves, like catechins, Linalool, parthenolide, phytonutrients, they are incredible in fighting off cancer and preventing cancer cells from forming.

Relieve pain: Bay leaves are excellent for numerous kinds of pain, such as headaches, migraines, joint pains, arthritis and toothaches. By preparing a bay leaves tea, you will give the body plenty of anti-inflammatory qualities that act as an analgesic.

Beneficial during pregnancy: pregnant women are often advised to consume more folic acid, which bay leaves naturally contain. This is most important during the first trimester and even before it. The folic acid is amazing and it enables the fetus to deal with impairments that may occur during the pregnancy.

Boost the immunity: rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and also zinc, bay leaves make one incredible immune system trigger. Vitamin A provides protection of the nose, eyes, throat, mouth, digestive tract and lungs membranes, and doesn’t allow any bacteria or viruses to attack the organism.

Stimulate digestion: Bay leaves can easily deal with any sort of stomach or intestines problem. Additionally, they treat issues caused by celiac disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

Plus, the bay leaves can fix gas problems and prevent flatulence. As a result of the healthy enzymes found in bay leaves, the proteins inside the body are easily dissolved and the food is processed more effectively.

Remove dandruff: Mix cold water and bay leaves and use this to rinse hair after regular shampoo washing. Also, you can mix fifteen drops of bay leaves essential oil and your standard shampoo to get rid of dandruff once and for all.

Cure kidney stones: every kidney infection, as well as kidney stones, can be dealt with easily by drinking bay leaves tea. To prepare this tea, put 5 grams bay leaves in 200 ml water. Boil until the water is reduced to 50 ml. Strain tea and drink it two times a day.

Prevent insomnia: bay leaves can easily treat insomnia since they calm the brain function and relax the body. Mix a few drops of the bay leaf extract with a glass of water and drink this before sleeping.

Get Rid of Blackheads For Good

Blackheads can be really annoying, especially if they’re consistent. They make your skin rough, and if you leave them untreated for a while, they can even cause scars on your skin.

But they are not untreatable, they’re very normal and can be treated easily. All you need to know is just a few ways of treating them and things will get better in no time. And you don’t even have to pay for some expensive treatments at a cosmetician’s. You can do everything at home – with great effects. Give it a try.

1. Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation is going to help your skin get rid of dead cells and unclog the pores. Just make sure you’re not over-exfoliating.

2. Prep The Skin By Exposing It To Steam

Your skin needs prep too. Give it some time to soak up on the moisture by giving it a steam treatment before doing anything else.

3. Avoid Squeezing The Blackhead With Your Nails

Squeezing, as tempting as it may be, is only going to cause a greater damage than good.

4. Try Using Blackhead Removal Strips

There are many blackheads-removing strips you can purchase online or in a supermarket. You can use any of them to avoid scarring your chin.

5. Use Sea Salt For Blackhead Removal

Sea salt has a coarse texture that will help with the exfoliation of your skin and unclog your pores. Mix it up with some coconut oil and a few drops of lemon juice and massage.

6. Consume Foods Rich In Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents blemishes, acne, and blackheads. It also fights many of the harmful free radicals.

If you eat foods rich in vitamin C you’ll boost the collagen levels in your skin and make it more resistant to blackheads.

7. Apply Orange Peel

This is a not-so-popular, but extremely good remedy for preventing blackheads. All you need to do is dry up some orange peels and make a powder out of them, which you’ll later use to make a paste by mixing it with water. You’ll apply this paste on your chin and wash after 15mins with warm water. This removes all accumulation of dirt in the pores.

8. Avoid Scrubbing The Affected Area Vigorously

Your skin is sensitive and prolonged scrubbing won’t make things easier or better.

9. Utilize The Power Of Aloe

Aloe vera gel is an amazingly powerful cure for acne and blackheads. Apply and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

10. Use Blackhead Strips With Milk And Honey

Milk and honey make a very popular combo for many things, especially skin and hair health. Mix some organic honey with some raw milk to make a paste, microwave and let it cool. With a cotton strip apply the mix on your skin and pull it off after 20 minutes.

11. Try Clay Masks For Blackheads

Clay is going to work miracles for your blackheads.

12. Go The Honey And Cinnamon Way

Again we have honey in a combination with cinnamon, which is considered one of the most potent detoxes, so no wonder it works on your skin too. Make a paste, apply and rinse after 20 minutes.

13. Use Lemon For Blackhead Removal

Squeeze a lemon on a cotton ball and apply it directly to the blackheads 3 to 4 times within an hour and wash your face with lukewarm water afterwards. It’s the vitamin C in the lemon that’s working the magic here.

14. Try Sugar And Jojoba Oil For Chin Blackheads

One tsp of sugar and one tsp of jojoba oil mixed up in a paste and applied to your skin is going to make you see amazing results, as it not only removes blackheads, but also keeps the skin moisturized.

15. Baking Soda And Water For Chin Blackhead Removal

1tsp of baking soda and some water mixed into a paste and applied to your skin – this is a very popular blackheads remover.

Remove Plaque From Your Teeth Just In 2 Minutes!

You might not be aware of the fact that oral health actually determines your overall health. One of the vital parts of the procedure for oral hygiene consists of using mouthwash.

It reduces the presence of plaque, while reaching and fighting bacteria that escaped dental cleaning at the same time. It is actually the final step in the removal of bacteria and germs. Moreover, it leaves the mouth clean and the breath fresh.

It is known that cavities can be cured with proper care and a healthy diet.

These are the advantages of using a homemade mouthwash:

  • It is inexpensive- You can make your own homemade mouthwash and still get marvelous effects.
  • You control the ingredients: You can remove tartar with completely safe and natural ingredients.
  • No Chemicals: Commercial mouthwash products are loaded with numerous additives like harmful chemicals, colorants, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and flavorings.

Today, we will reveal the recipe of an effective, inexpensive, homemade mouthwash, based on baking soda, which will help you remove tartar and get a white and healthy smile.

Sodium bicarbonate is definitely one of the most potent best cleansers and it can be used in various ways, including for maintaining oral hygiene.

It has powerful bleaching and stain removal properties, so it is often used for teeth brushing. Also, it has antibacterial capacity that eliminates tartar and microbes which are the cause of cavities and bad breath.

This is how to prepare this mouthwash:

You will need:

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • ½ cup hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide)
  • 1 cup cold water
  • ½ cup warm water



You should combine the salt and baking soda, and then wet the toothbrush in some warm water. Spread the mixture above it, and rub the teeth. Then, spit it. Repeat this for two minutes.

Next, mix the hydrogen peroxide with the warm water, and use this solution to rinse the mouth for a minute. Expel it from the mouthwash.

In the end, use a toothpick to remove the tartar from between the teeth. Rinse with cold water.

Repeat this twice a week. And also we recommend you to do oil pulling every day.

Additional tips:

  • Remember that you should never swallow mouthwash, as it might contain harmful ingredients.
  • For optimal oral health, make sure you brush the teeth at least three times daily with good quality toothpaste.
  • Spicy food stimulates the work of salivary glands, and saliva naturally sanitizes the oral cavity.

When You Put A Piece Of Onion In Your Ear Result Will Be Amazing

When You Put A Piece Of Onion In Your Ear Result Will Be Amazing

Here in this article we will discussed some useful and beneficial benefits of onion. This flavorful bulb is used in many ways throughout the history. Thanks to its incredible nutrient content and the high levels of flavonoids, sulphuric compounds, vitamin C, and phytochemicals, people have always used it as a natural remedy for many different illnesses and health conditions. They contain phosphoric acid which fights germs, infections, and bacteria, and helps purify the blood. Moreover, onions act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents which are highly beneficial to your overall health.

The vitamin C and phytochemicals in onions boost the immune system
They help reduce inflammation and fight infections
Chromium in this vegetable helps control blood glucose
Onions contain the potent quercetin which helps prevent cancer
Raw onions reduces the LDL (bad) cholesterol, supporting your heart health
This vegetable fight free radicals, thus lowering the risk gastric ulcers
Onion juice helps relieve the burning sensation and pain caused by a honeybee
The bright green tops of green onions contain high levels of vitamin A, so don’t throw them away
Another great thing about onions is that you don’t have to eat them to use its nutrients and beneficial properties. You can cut it and use it topically and feel its amazing effects on your health.

Onions contain phosphoric acid which is powerful enough to fix anything wrong in your ear. So, it’s helpful for treating ear infections, tinnitus (ringing in your ears), and softening of earwax buildup for an easier removal.

The anti-bacterial properties and phosphoric acid in onions help to keep your ears healthy, as well as treat and prevent ear infections.

In fact, even if you don’t have an ear problem you can still use this technique to improve your hearing and reduce the earwax buildup stuck inside your ear.

Use only organic onions, as the non-organic ones are packed with pesticides harmful for your ears if left overnight. Cut the onion and save only the middle part.

Put it inside your ear with the center (the yellowish part) facing outward to the outside of the ear. Let it act for the entire night and the next morning remove it.

Finally, wash your ear with water to remove any onion residue with dead bacteria, phosphoric acid or earwax.

10 Signs You May Have a Thyroid Problem. Read How to Find Out About it And How to Fix it!!

More than 25 million individuals have problems with the thyroid gland, and half of those people are not sure what they should and shouldn’t do. Hypothyroidism (beneath-active thyroid), is responsible for 90% of the thyroid problems. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland on the front side of the neck, which is very vital for our health. It releases certain hormones which modify our frame temperature, libido and extra, so any type of disruption of their production can purpose quite a lot of damage to our health.

Here you have the ten most important symptoms of hypothyroidism:

  1. Mind fog, memory loss and loss of awareness;
  2. Muscle and joint pain, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome;
  3. Fatigue which seems even after you’ve slept nicely in a single day;
  4. Hormonal imbalance;
  5. Weight gain;
  6. Cool arms and toes, feeling bloodless even if it’s hot;
  7. Neck swelling, hoarseness, loud night breathing;
  8. Emotional episodes, tension, and despair;
  9. Dry and cracked skin, brittle nails, baldness;
  10. Constipation

How does the thyroid work?

The thyroid produces 2 types of hormones: thyrotropin-discharging hormone (TRH) and pituitary thyrotropin (TSH). TSH stimulates the production of T3 and T4 hormones within the gland and when there’s enough T4 in the frame, it signals the gland to stop producing hormones. The thyroid produces approximately 85% of T4, a type of hormone unlike T3, which is more dynamic.

Loose T3 is the most crucial thyroid hormone, because of its ability to regulate your digestion, frame temperature, character and many other features.

The most common form of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune disorder.

Why is hypothyroidism so hard to diagnose?

Thyroid imbalance is very hard to be diagnosed, which is why many doctors don’t succeed to diagnose them properly. Thyroid problems can’t be detected by just taking a look or two – this disorder requires great studies and checkups in order to discover the problem. Usually, most of the doctors only use ordinary lab reference ranges and make use of ideal lab characteristics and temperature. But, in order to correctly diagnose the problem, you will need to ask the doctor to examine you for TSH, free T3, and unfastened T4, opposite T3, TPOAb and TgAb.

Here are the top of the line cost levels for thyroid checks:

  • TSH 1-2 UIU/ML or lower (Armour or compounded T3 can artificially suppress TSH)
  • FT4 >1.1 NG/DL
  • FT3 > three.2 PG/ML
  • RT3 much less than a ten:1 ratio RT3:FT3
  • TPO –
  • TgAb – < four IU/ML or negative

Here are 10 ways how you can improve the thyroid function:

  1. Include quality multivitamin supplements to our diets, such as iron, zinc, selenium, iron, and nutrients B and D;
  2. Try going gluten-unfastened, particularly in case you are affected by Hashimoto’s.
  3. Take iodine and tyrosine dietary supplements every day to help the conversion of T4 to T3;
  4. Drink clear water to remove the fluoride, bromide, and chlorine from your system;
  5. Replace amalgam fillings (if you have them) from your enamel;
  6. Control your tension and pressure ranges with some meditation or yoga.
  7. Find a good doctor who can carry out the aforementioned tests;
  8. Sleep 8-10 hours, overnight;
  9. Don’t eat cruciferous veggies too regularly;
  10. Be extra careful with your intestine, because the digestive system can often be the main cause for several health problems.

Cure For The Whole Body: Recipe Of The Old Monks Makes Miracles

This amazing and very simple to prepare recipe is enrolled more than 2,000 years ago, and the prepared drink cure diabetes, cholesterol, strengthens the immune system and cleans the blood.

Also prevents tumors, significantly improves vision and rejuvenates the body. Very interesting fact is that this recipe was found in an ancient monastery in Tibet written on clay tablets. The following home remedy we’re going to present you how to prepare it in your own kitchen is like having a doctor on call 24 hours a day.


  • 300 grams of garlic
  • 1 kg of lemons


It is necessary to finely chop 300 grams of garlic and mix with 1 kg of lemons, which previously are grind in meat mincer. Place the mixture in a container on fire and pour over 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil over low heat for about 15 minutes. Then remove the pot from the fire and leave to cool.

Place the mixture in a glass jar covered with aluminum foil. Take one tablespoon of medicine every morning on an empty stomach, 25 days. After that take a break of 10 days, then repeat the procedure. Amazing Healthy Recipe: Pure honey mixed with ginger, cinnamon and turmeric

Cure For The Whole Body: Recipe Of The Old Monks Makes Miracles


Herbs possess numerous health benefits and they are mostly beneficial in regulating the hormonal balance.

Some of the most beneficial herbs used for hormonal balance include: myrtle, sandalwood, clary sage, lavender, holy basil and thyme.

What does hormonal balance mean? We are taking about:

– Thyroid hormones: thyroxin and triiodothyronine are produced by the thyroid gland, and their function is to regulate the metabolic processes.

– Sleep hormones: sleep hormones, such as: melatonin produced by the pineal gland, may greatly affect the overall health if they are imbalanced. Bad sleep quality can make the human body weak and prone to diseases.

– Adrenal hormones: cortisol, produced by the adrenal glands, aids the metabolic processes and regulates stress levels.

– Reproductive hormones: progesterone and estrogen regulate menstrual cycles, vaginal pH and female fertility.

Testosterone regulates male fertility, libido, bone mass and the production of red blood cells. In fact, men and women have 3 hormones, and any hormonal imbalance may increase the risk of cancer.

The function of the endocrine system is to maintain the hormonal balance. If one of the hormones is out of balance, it may affect the others, thus causing numerous symptoms, including weight gain, pain, fatigue, etc.


Some of the most common symptoms of hormonal imbalance are:

– Insomnia
– Low libido
– Weight loss or weight gain
– Irregular menstrual periods or infertility
– Anxiety and depression
– Appetite changes
– Fatigue
– Digestive issues
– Hair thinning and hair loss


Hormonal imbalances are caused by numerous factors, like medical history, diet, stress levels, genetics, and exposure to toxins in the environment. Some of the most common contributors of hormonal imbalance are:

– Gut issues and food allergies
– Being obese or overweight
– Increased levels of inflammation caused by sedentary life and an unhealthy diet
– Genetic susceptibility
– Lack of rest and poor sleep quality
– Toxicity (exposure to toxins, pesticides, cigarettes, viruses, alcohol and chemicals)


The five most beneficial herbs used for hormonal balance include:

1. Holy basil for reducing anxiety

According to the studies, holy basil possesses properties, which reduce the cortisol levels, the stress hormone. It has been also shown that the extract of holy basil aids in reducing the levels of anxiety. In addition, it is also beneficial for treating memory issues, exhaustion, sexual issues, and sleep quality.

2. Myrtle for improved sleep quality

Even though myrtle has been used as a hypnotic herb and a sedative by some cultures, its effects on the humans are still not known. Nevertheless, there have been numerous studies on its effects on mice and rats. According to the findings of the study, the animals that took extract of myrtle slept more often and their muscles were relaxed. It has also shown that the myrtle extract has anti-anxiety properties.

In addition, another study has shown that the extract of myrtle has relaxing properties on some animals. In fact, mice that took myrtle essential oil had prolonged sleeping activity, which slowed down the function of the brain.

3. Clary sage for healthier menopause

Clary sage has the ability to reduce the levels of cortisol. A recent study has shown that 50-year old women, who inhaled oil of clary saga, experienced reduced levels of cortisol. In addition, even though the reducing was rather slightly, there was also a decrease in the thyroid hormones.

It is also considered that clary saga can increase the levels of estrogen in women, who have menopausal symptoms as a result of decreases estrogen levels.

4. Thyme for preventing breast cancer

In vitro study evaluated the effects of a few herbs extracts on breast cancer. The herb that was able to act with progesterone, a female sex hormone produced in pregnancy and menstrual cycle, was thyme.

According to the researchers, thyme has a great number of phytoprogestins and phytoestrogens, which were tested to find out of they have effects on the growth of the breast cancer cells. Interestingly, the findings of the study have shown that the thyme had the same effects in inhibiting the breast cancer cell growth and preventing the function of the progesterone.

5. Sandalwood for lowering stress

A recent study assessed the effects of aromatherapy on women, who underwent breast biopsy, a test to find out if a lump is malignant. Undergoing breast biopsy may be rather stressful for most women. Therefore, participants in the study were told to try a combination of two essential oils.

The findings of the study have shown that the combination of peppermint oil and orange oil was less effective than the combination of lavender oil and sandalwood, which has shown calming effects in the participants and reduced anxiety.

In addition, another study has shown that patients with poor sleep quality experienced improved sleep by inhaling different types of essential oils. One of the essential oils used in this combination was sandalwood. Nearly 64 % of the participants experienced a slightly imropved sleep quality.

6. Ashwagandha

It can be especially effective at regulating hormonal balances. It is beneficial for the thyroid as it promotes elimination of free radicals, which lead to cellular damage. In addition, it can be also used to enhance an overactive thyroid gland, and aids in overcoming adrenal fatigue.

7. Fennel

Gut health issues have been considered to cause autoimmune reactions, as well as thyroid disorders. You can use the fennel oil to calm down your body, enhance digestive processes, and improve metabolism and lower inflammation.

All you have to do is to rub two drops of fennel essential oil on the stomach or pour 1 – 2 drops of the oil in lukewarm water or tea.

8. Lavender

Lavender oil enhances emotional balance, because it significantly treats depression, anxiety, stress and mood swifts. In addition, it is used to improve sleep quality, which in turn helps to regulate hormones.


You can use herbs in many ways. The simplest way to experience their benefits is to include them in your smoothies or diet, even though you can find them in essential oils, teas, and extracts. You can use medicinal herbs in ointments and poultices.

Extract forms represents concentrated doses of medicinal herbs, which can be found in powder form (loose powder and capsules) when the water is eliminated completely from the herb or tinctures (liquid). It is best to use tinctures on an empty stomach for 1 – 2 ml.

Essential herbal oils can be used in numerous ways:

– Mix it with a carrier oil, such as: coconut oil, and apply it on the skin
– Add several drops to a warm bath
– Use it as a diffuser. Put a few drops in a distilled water and place it in place it in somewhere in your home.

When you prepare or buy herbals teas, you should look for herbal ones. Moreover, you should buy whole leaf teas instead of teabags, which may often contain pesticide residues. Consume the herbal teas three times on a daily basis.