Month: December 2020


1 Ingredient Private Parts Hair Removal

If you’re getting sick and tired of all the traditional methods of removing your hair, especially from your private areas where it tends to be the most painful, then we have a pleasant surprise for you.

The hair removal from your private parts doesn’t have to be the worst part of the waxing process every woman experiences. It’s the 21st century and there’s no doubt that there are many technological outbreaks out there, but some things are better done with some ancient traditional methods.

And one of the most amazing things ever found is baking soda.

This is how you can use baking soda and get rid of the hairs on your private area:

You will need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tbsp of baking soda


You will need to heat up the water.

Once it boils, remove it from the heat and add the baking soda.

You’ll need to stir until you’ve formed a smooth paste.

Soak a cotton swab in it and drain the excess water.

Apply the mixture on the area where you have unwanted hairs.

Cover it up with a patch and let it sit overnight.

The next morning when you wake up, take the patch out and rinse with warm water.

Let the skin dry and moisturize it.

Repeat this procedure 3 times a week.

The hairs will start disappearing soon.

Yes, it really is as simple as that. Then you won’t have to deal with those annoying methods of waxing and shaving. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

This Mark on Your Body Will Reveal How Many Children You’re Going To Have

You know how many people have said “destiny is in your hands”? Well, that might just be true – and I mean literally.

As we’ve heard many times before, astronomy, astrology, as well as palmistry, as in this case, play a major role in philosophical predictions of the way a person’s life is going to be. We’re here to tell you that believe it or not, through palmistry you can also find out how many children you are going to have.

We are going to discuss this in more detail and explain how and why things are done.

First things first, there is no ideal age to have a child, although most wannabe parents nowadays are encouraged to get things started from the age of 20 to the age of 30. The truth is, the ideal time to have a baby is whenever your biological clock wakes up and lets you know it’s time.

By default, boys dreams of having boys and girls dreams of having girls – there’s something deeply connected regarding our genders, but there’s no way to actually know what you’ll end up with.

However, if you want a rough idea, palmistry is the way to go.

Now, it’s only natural for you to have dreams and hopes regarding the number of babies you wish to have in a lifetime, and you may even plan your pregnancies accordingly. But there’s no way you can know for sure the number you will actually end up having. However, if you still want a rough idea, palmistry is the way to go. But before we tell you how palmistry can predict the total number of children you will have, let us give you a brief idea of palmistry. That said, according to Chinese palmistry, the number of babies you will have is entirely dependent on the lines of your hand.

Take a look at your right hand.  The child lines are the lines located at the base of your little finger. You need to analyze these lines top to bottom to find out some things about your future children.

Make a fist with your palm as shown in the image below. See the V-shaped lines formed near the little finger? Those are the lines that could indicate the number of children you will have.

At the very base of your thumb is Mount of Venus. If it looks thick and fleshy, it means there’s a heightened sexual function. That, by default means that you will end up with more than two children. Same for the opposite case, if the Mount of Venus is flat, it’s more likely you’ll have fewer children.

If your pinky is smaller than average and the lines at the end look like a fork, you will have fewer children.

Besides the number of children, the lines might also determine your baby’s sex and health. If you have deeper and more prominent lines, chances are you’ll have a boy. If you have shallow lines, you’re more likely to end up having a girl. If you see forks at the end of your child lines, whether you know it or not, you have great chances of conceiving twins.

Get Rid of Blackheads For Good

Blackheads can be really annoying, especially if they’re consistent. They make your skin rough, and if you leave them untreated for a while, they can even cause scars on your skin.

But they are not untreatable, they’re very normal and can be treated easily. All you need to know is just a few ways of treating them and things will get better in no time. And you don’t even have to pay for some expensive treatments at a cosmetician’s. You can do everything at home – with great effects. Give it a try.

1. Exfoliate Regularly

Regular exfoliation is going to help your skin get rid of dead cells and unclog the pores. Just make sure you’re not over-exfoliating.

2. Prep The Skin By Exposing It To Steam

Your skin needs prep too. Give it some time to soak up on the moisture by giving it a steam treatment before doing anything else.

3. Avoid Squeezing The Blackhead With Your Nails

Squeezing, as tempting as it may be, is only going to cause a greater damage than good.

4. Try Using Blackhead Removal Strips

There are many blackheads-removing strips you can purchase online or in a supermarket. You can use any of them to avoid scarring your chin.

5. Use Sea Salt For Blackhead Removal

Sea salt has a coarse texture that will help with the exfoliation of your skin and unclog your pores. Mix it up with some coconut oil and a few drops of lemon juice and massage.

6. Consume Foods Rich In Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents blemishes, acne, and blackheads. It also fights many of the harmful free radicals.

If you eat foods rich in vitamin C you’ll boost the collagen levels in your skin and make it more resistant to blackheads.

7. Apply Orange Peel

This is a not-so-popular, but extremely good remedy for preventing blackheads. All you need to do is dry up some orange peels and make a powder out of them, which you’ll later use to make a paste by mixing it with water. You’ll apply this paste on your chin and wash after 15mins with warm water. This removes all accumulation of dirt in the pores.

8. Avoid Scrubbing The Affected Area Vigorously

Your skin is sensitive and prolonged scrubbing won’t make things easier or better.

9. Utilize The Power Of Aloe

Aloe vera gel is an amazingly powerful cure for acne and blackheads. Apply and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

10. Use Blackhead Strips With Milk And Honey

Milk and honey make a very popular combo for many things, especially skin and hair health. Mix some organic honey with some raw milk to make a paste, microwave and let it cool. With a cotton strip apply the mix on your skin and pull it off after 20 minutes.

11. Try Clay Masks For Blackheads

Clay is going to work miracles for your blackheads.

12. Go The Honey And Cinnamon Way

Again we have honey in a combination with cinnamon, which is considered one of the most potent detoxes, so no wonder it works on your skin too. Make a paste, apply and rinse after 20 minutes.

13. Use Lemon For Blackhead Removal

Squeeze a lemon on a cotton ball and apply it directly to the blackheads 3 to 4 times within an hour and wash your face with lukewarm water afterwards. It’s the vitamin C in the lemon that’s working the magic here.

14. Try Sugar And Jojoba Oil For Chin Blackheads

One tsp of sugar and one tsp of jojoba oil mixed up in a paste and applied to your skin is going to make you see amazing results, as it not only removes blackheads, but also keeps the skin moisturized.

15. Baking Soda And Water For Chin Blackhead Removal

1tsp of baking soda and some water mixed into a paste and applied to your skin – this is a very popular blackheads remover.

Never Hide These Things From Your Partner

Having a steady relationship means giving some things up, like your ego. You have to put it aside to make room for the things that actually matter in life and that you’d like to share with your partner.

The thing is that once you’ve gone some time alone, you are kinda used to not sharing some things with people, and you might not be able to differentiate between just a bunch of people you might like to call friends and your partner who is actually entitled to those things – if you wanna build a stable relationship, that is.

Many people are doing the same mistakes when in relationships and they don’t devote fully to their partners, which proves to be a really bad idea in the long run.

So here’s what you need to do if you want to maintain a stable relationship with your partner in which you don’t make him feel bad or unloved. Here we go:

1. Your Plans For The Future

Your partner is now part of your life, so he’s entitled to know what plans you have for the future. If you have completely different approaches to life and to the future, then how are you going to create that future together?

You have to include him in this and that’s just a must because now you’re no longer deciding on your faith, you’re deciding on the faith of your relationship and the faith of your partner too. Don’t be selfish.

2. Your Finances

This is something that every couple needs to discuss eventually – you need to figure out how you’re gonna go about finances because most couple when they step into a marriage, they fight because of money – and as dumb as it may sounds – you don’t want that to happen to you, do you? So sit down, talk to your partner and figure out whether you’re going to go about your own money or combine and pay for things, or anything else that works for you.

3. Your Personal Issues

You don’t stop being an individual just because you’re in a relationship now, so don’t act like you do. You have issues and your partner needs to know about them, even if they can’t help, they can give you support – and sometimes that’s all one needs.

4. What You Think Of Him

What’s the point in staying together if you can’t share what you think about each other? You need to tell them when they’re being wonderful, but you need to tell them when they’re acting like assholes too. That’s not something tha’ts just gonna go away on its own without having a proper conversation about it.

5. What You Expect

If you have unrealistic expectations of your partner, he needs to know about it because otherwise he’ll just keep failing you. They need to be able to stand up to you and your expectations and you need to be able to see them in the real light and not just create an illusion about them in your head.

6. The Set Boundaries And Exceptions

If you don’t like a certain behavior, set a boundary. Make exceptions for everything that you can tolerate. But don’t expect them to know what you like and dislike by default because that’s not how things work. You need to be able to communicate with your partner in a healthy way and see what they feel and how far they are ready to go too.

Here’s What It Means If These Two Lines On Your Palm Match

Palmistry is a thing, regardless of whether you believe in it or not – it even has its own Wikipedia page, and we know Wiki only includes facts.

Palmistry gives you hope and makes you believe that there is something more other than just lines on the palms, and more often than not, those simple sort-of predictions are actually true for most people. Scientists have been studying the lines on our palms for a while now and they came to realize that more often than not, the people who have some similarities in their palm lines, also have some similarities in their character.Look at your left palm. There’s a line that goes outwards, under your pinky finger. Same goes for your right hand. Some people call this line the “heartline” and it is said to point towards matters of the heart and how your love life would be like.

Now bring both your palms together, next to each other. You need to match them by the wrist. Now take a look at those lines. What do you see? Are they matching? Is one higher than the other? Which one?

Take a look at what these things mean:

Scenario 1: Perfect Match

Usually, people who are patient and kind have a perfect match. They’re concerned about the well-being of their partner, softhearted and they get hurt easily. These people are faithful and true to the people around them and they are usually surrounded by a lot of friends because people enjoy their selflessness.

Scenario 3: The Right Line Is Higher Than The Left Line

If the line on your right palm is higher than the line on your left palm, you’re most likely a very rational and practical person. You like logic and you stick by it for everything you approach in life. You don’t like to rush things and you like to take it slow. Usually, you end up winning in the end.

Get Rid of Belly Fat Right Now

If you are a skinny person by nature, but you just can’t seem to shake that belly off, then no worries, you’re not the only one.

Many women are struggling with their belly, even though every other part of their body seems to be skinny. But this is not due to obesity or fat. The belly can be due to so many things that you might not even know you’re doing wrong.

Here are some of the reasons you might have a bloated belly:

1. Belly Caused By Alcohol

If you drink too much alcohol, don’t wonder why you have a belly. Many alcohol drinkers are skinny because the alcohol raises your blood flow, but they do have a belly because alcohol also bloats.

The best thing in this scenario would be to just stop drinking alcohol altogether, or, worst-case scenario, drink less.

2. Belly Caused By Pregnancy

This belly is important in the life of every mother because she bore her child there, but it can be really stubborn to remove. This can only be done with proper exercises, yoga, but try consulting your doctor before you go and do one of these things because your baby’s health is what matters most after all.

3. Belly Caused By Stress

Stress makes a wreck of your body, emotionally and physically. Your mind is not the only one suffering from stress. Stress can lead to overeating, sometimes even unconsciously. Now you realize where your belly might be coming from? You need to include at least some kind of exercise into your daily routine and cut out all the junk and oily food that we tend to subject our bodies to.

4. Belly Caused By Hormones

Sometimes having a belly is really not because you’re doing something wrong. Maybe your body is doing something wrong and you have a hormonal imbalance. Either way, what you should do if your belly is really persistent and you’re sure it’s nothing else – go see a doctor and check your hormones.

5. Belly Caused By Gas

Having a bloated belly by gas is uncomfortable and also really bad for your health as it can lead to ulcers or even stomach cancer. The best way to avoid this is to not eat foods that make you gassy. Some of them include unhealthy and oily food (fast food) and stick to healthier options.

Hydrogen Peroxide Cures Nail Fungus – Step by Step Guide

Hydrogen peroxide is used for many things in the household, but it’s also a remedy that if you hadn’t known by now, it can be used to disinfect minor scratches and cuts – it’s what doctors usually use in the hospital when cleaning wounds.

But that’s not its only purpose. It can also be used for treating nail fungus because it has so many antifungal properties (makes sense it’s used to clean wounds), as well as antiseptic properties.

If you’re new to this and don’t really know how to use hydrogen peroxide for nail fungus, then just simply follow the steps we put together for you below:

First, obviously, you need to purchase it. Next:

1. Soak Your Feet In Hydrogen Peroxide

What you’ll need:
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • Distilled water
  • Plastic tub
  • Tissues
How long:

30 minutes


Mix equal parts of the hydrogen peroxide and distilled water in the plastic tub and soak your nails in it for 30 minutes. Dry them with a clean tissue and toss it. Make sure your nails are dry before doing the soaking.

How Often?

Every day even after the problem goes away.

Why This Works

Because as the oxygen levels increase, the fungus on your nails gets destroyed – the best case scenario.

2. Vinegar And Hydrogen Peroxide For Nail Fungus

Here’s what you’ll need:
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • White vinegar/apple cider vinegar
  • Distilled water
  • Plastic tub
  • Tissues
Pay attention:

While method 1 is often quoted as a solution to nail fungus on the internet, we recommend using method 2. This is because under certain conditions, mixing hydrogen peroxide and vinegar can form peracetic acid, which is a caustic chemical that does not share the desired properties to treat nail fungus.

How long:

Method 1 – 10 minutes

Method 2 – 30 minutes


Mix e equal parts of the hydrogen peroxide, distilled water, and vinegar in the plastic tub and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Pat dry with a tissue and throw it afterwards.

How Often?

You have to repeat this process every day until, and even after, the problem subsides. Getting rid of nail fungus is not easy and will take a lot of patience and effort.

Why This Works

Vinegar is an acidic solution that restores the pH balance of your skin and nails. Apple cider vinegar is the best one to use in this situation.

3. Baking Soda And Hydrogen Peroxide For Nail Fungus

Here’s what you’ll need
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • 1 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • 4 cups warm water
  • ½ cup Epsom salt
  • Plastic tub
  • Tissues
How long?

10 minutes


Mix everything together in a plastic tub and soak your feet in the tub for 10 minutes. Pat dry with a tissue and toss it.

 How Often?

Every day even after the problem goes away.

Why This Works

Baking soda has antifungal properties and it prevents the growth of fungus. Also, it will balance your skin’s pH levels while killing off fungus.

Easy Way To Regrow Your Brows – All Natural

Eyebrows are among the most important facial features on humans and that’s why it’s so important to take good care of them – which if you’re not doing yet, it’s just about time to start.

You might have lost your eyebrows – because of too much plucking, because of genetics, age, various reasons. So if that’s the case with you, like it is with many women out there, we have just the thing for you – we are going to help you get your eyebrows back – naturally. No, we won’t suggest an eyebrow tattoo (even though if that’s what you want to do, then that’s perfectly fine). We are going to suggest an all-natural way of regrowing your eyebrows. You can do these things now and thank us later.

Here we go:

1. Indian Gooseberry

Amla – like it’s called this Indian gooseberry (don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it, just consider yourself lucky you encountered it now) – it has a proliferative effect on the Dermal Papilla cells in human hair follicles. That means that it’s basically a wonderful remedy for treating thinning eyebrows.

Here’s What You’ll Need
  • 5-6 Indian gooseberries (amla)
  • 1 glass of water
  • Cotton swabs
The procedure:

Cut them up into small pieces, boil them with one glass of water and then turn the stove off. Cool. Apply the mixture to your eyebrows with a cotton swab and rinse with water.

How often?

1-2 times daily.

2. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are incredibly rich in growth-promoting properties and they’re used in the treatment of thinning hair and hair loss.

Here’s What You’ll Need
  • ½ cup of fenugreek seeds
  • Water (as required)
The procedure:

Soak them in water overnight and grind them the next morning. Put the paste on your eyebrows for 30 min and then rinse with water.

How often?

Once daily for best results.

3. Onion Juice

Onion juice can help regrowth of hair that has been lost due to alopecia areata, which means that it’s highly likely to give similar results when it comes to your thinning eyebrows.

Here’s What You’ll Need
  • ½ onion
  • Water
The procedure:

Blend an onion with some water to form a paste and apply on your eyebrows. Rinse with water after 30 minutes.

How often?

Once daily.

4. Yogurt

Consume yogurt regularly and you’ll enhance hair growth.

Here’s What You’ll Need

A cup of probiotic yogurt

The procedure:

Eat it or drink it.

How often?

At least once a day

5. Egg Yolk

Egg yolk contains hair growth-promoting properties and its properties can also be used for treating thinning eyebrows.

Here’s What You’ll Need
  • 1 egg
  • Cotton swabs
The procedure:

Separate the yolk from the white and with a cotton swab apply it on your eyebrows. Rinse with water after 30 minutes.

How often?

Once a day

6. Green Tea

Green tea is incredibly rich in polyphenols – and if you don’t know what they are – they are the ones that have significant effects on hair regrowth. These activities of green tea can also help with thinning eyebrows.

Here’s What You’ll Need
  • 1 tsp of green tea
  • 1 cup of hot water
The procedure:

Make the tea, steep for 5-7 minutes, strain and drink.

How often?

1-2 times daily.

7. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil shows immediate effects when it comes to hair growth.

Here’s What You’ll Need
  • 2-3 drops of peppermint oil
  • 1 tsp of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)
The procedure:

Mix them up and apply on your eyebrows. Leave overnight and rinse the next morning.

How often?

Once a day.

Here’s How To Get Rid of Armpit Fat

One of the most annoying issues 3 out of 5 women deal with is armpit fat. Whether it’s due to poor lifestyle, genetics, obesity, or maybe even muscle loss, it’s not something you’d like to have, especially in summer.

You can have the perfect body and still end up with this persistent localized fat, which just looks awful when you’re trying to dance or hold someone’s hand and it makes you feel uncomfortable and it makes you lose your self-confidence.

But nothing’s unachievable, and the same goes for this too.

We’ll give you the best advice possible to get rid of armpit fat and walk with the confidence you deserve to have once and for all.

Foods To Avoid To Prevent Armpit Fat

You have to quit some things to achieve the best possible results, and some of those things include these foods:

  • All types of soda (yes, even diet)
  • Energy drinks
  • Sweets and pastries
  • Dried fruit and vegetable juices
  • Processed foods
  • Fried foods and wafers
  • Milk chocolate
  • Milkshakes and ice creams
  • Low-fat milk and yogurt
  • Animal fat
  • Cream cheese
  • Canned food

And these are some of the best exercises you can do:

1. Arm Circles

Arm circles are gonna help you strengthen your arms and get rid of the armpit fat.

How To Do Arm Circles

Stand straight and start doing imaginary circles with your hands like in the picture.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 10 reps, at least per day

2. Push-ups

Needless to say, push-ups are amazing for your arms. Just make sure you’re doing them regularly.

How To Do Push-ups

Push yourself off the ground while lying down while having your back fully straight. Only your palms and the tip of your toes are allowed to touch the ground. Go up and down without your chest to touch the ground.

Sets And Reps

2 sets of 10 reps

Do knee push-ups if toe push-ups are too difficult for you.

3. Wall Push-ups

If push-ups are just too much for you, then do wall push-ups. Same effect, but easier.

How To Do Wall Push-ups

It’s the same thing as doing push-ups, but onto a wall.

Sets And Reps

2 sets of 12 reps

4. Lying Chest Press

This exercise will have an amazingly fast effect on getting you rid of your armpit fat.

How To Do Lying Chest Press

Start off with some half a kilo weights and then increase with time. Just do what the picture above is showing you.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 12 reps

5. Lying Chest Fly

This exercise is highly effective because besides toning your armpit muscles, it’s toning all of your body.

How To Do Lying Chest Fly

Your knees are gonna have to be at 90 degrees. Follow the steps on the image above.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 10 reps

6. Standing ‘V’ Raise

Again, start with weights of half a kilo because you don’t wanna inflame your muscles, or God forbid pull a muscle. Start slow.

How To Do Standing ‘V’ Raise

Make sure you hold your lower back and back straight and knees firm. Then lift the weights like in the picture above.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 12 reps

7. Shoulder Press

This is a super easy, but toning exercise that will get you the results in no time. Be persistent though.

How To Do Shoulder Press

Make sure you lower the weights under a 90 degree angle.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 12 reps

8. Tricep Extension

Use a bottle of water (1.5 liter) or something that you’ll be comfortable with. Don’t push yourself too hard from the beginning, even with less weight, this exercise will have an effect.

How To Do Tricep Extension

Don’t lift the weight too much, just enough to feel that tightening in your muscles. Then lower it back again.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 10 reps

9. Superman

Again, this exercise is not only toning your armpit muscles, but all of your body.

How To Do Superman

It’s really easy – lie down, lift your arms and your legs and hold the position. Then after a couple of seconds, lower them on the ground and then repeat.

2 sets of 5 reps

10. Back Row Pulls

You’ll shape your butt too with this exercise.

How To Do Back Row Pulls

Don’t use something that’s too heavy, just start small and make sure you’re persistent. Lift the weights to your breasts and then lower them back again.

Sets And Reps

3 sets of 10 reps

Your Face Shape Determines Your Approach To Life

Everyone is different in many ways, and the facial shape is no exception here. Like many other things, this is something that’s inherited from our parents or close ancestors, so you can say it’s predetermined in a way.

But different people have different tendencies in life and scientists were surprised to find a correlation between people’s facial shapes and their personality and character, or just generally their approach in life.

Are you curious to find out about yours? Read below:

#1: Diamond Shape

Diamont shaped face people are usually curt and rude when they don’t get the things they want or when things don’t go the way they want. They are adventurous and love exploring. They’re perfectionist, very thorough and that’s what makes them good at what they do almost with no exception.

#2: Heart Shape

People with a heart-shaped face have high emotional intelligence almost exclusively, but they can also be really stubborn at times and they tend to be extremely opinionated, which sometimes is making them unpleasant to other people.

#3: Rectangular Shape

People with rectangular-shaped faces are logical and orderly. They like things to go the way they planned them and they have a high intellect. They’re excellent at making plans and organizing things.

#4: Square Shape

Square-faced people are consistent and firm, mother figures, they like balance, but they can start fights sometimes. They’re intimidating and confident, but also very sweet at first glance. They don’t have a problem making hard decisions in life.

#5 Round Shape

The round-faced ones are amazing empaths. Very emotional, very thoughtful of other people’s feelings. Generous and give in emotionally. There is no one better than you if someone’s looking for a lasting partner and a fruitful relationship.

#6 Oval Shape

This is one of the most common face shapes and such people are usually subtle, neutral about many things that are happening in their life. They have flexible opinions and hate conformity and rules.

#7 Angular Shape

People with angular faces can’t easily make a choice, so they tend to overthink things. They can be judgmental with people, especially when choosing a partner.