Category: Healthy Tips



Resting is an essential procedure for our body. On the off chance that we need to have a beneficial and dynamic life, we need a decent night’s rest each time our day closes, keeping away from restlessness or averting sleep deprivation.

It happens that those individuals who neglect to satisfactorily accommodate a decent night’s rest, are influenced their cerebrum capacities in an extremely negative manner. Indeed, even his wellbeing presents significant wear.

Notwithstanding the extraordinary delight and the huge need we have with respect to the long periods of rest, we won’t have the capacity to spend in our bed as long however we see fit. Individuals need to go out to work or think about and perform for the duration of the day.

The individuals who have not dozed enough and have exhaustion for the duration of the day can feel inconvenience in the body, awful disposition or a medical issue because of absence of vitality. So once in a while the body tries to make another rest cycle and you wind up dozing around your work area or on the transport.


It happens that after a decent rest, you wake up and feel that the territory where your head rested, has slobber. Many trust this must be a forbidden since on a few events they have come to taunt somebody for this activity. Be that as it may, you should feel fortunate to have a place with a specific gathering of individuals.

The activity of slobbering when dozing is an indication that the fantasy was very positive and that the body is resting exceptionally well. There are a few periods of rest, notwithstanding, it is known as REM or quick eye development to the stage that permits you a relaxing and profound rest.

When you slobber, it implies that the REM stage is being continuous, so you don’t have any rest issues, you don’t have intrusions or unsettling influences of it. Along these lines, you can rest and rest your body as not very many do.

In the event that then again, you don’t slobber, it tends to be an indication that your rest propensities are influenced for the duration of the night and rest is lacking. Keep in mind that for a decent close to home and expert improvement is fundamental to rest. On the off chance that you have a rest issue, don’t waver to see a confided in specialist.


There has been a lot of talk about refined sugar in the media and I’m so happy to see we are becoming more aware of the negative effects it has on our bodies.

I thought I would talk a little about these effects, and why they can be so detrimental to our health. Most of us are familiar with the affect excess sugar can have on us; our appetites increase and we can have a greater desire for more sweets, which can lead to cravings, mood swings, and the all too familiar energy crash which leaves you reaching for more sugar to pick you back up again.

Eating too much sugar can lead to unhealthy eating patterns as well as an addiction to sugar. This is because sugar is a mood-booster – it prompts the body to release dopamine and serotonin (our happy and pleasure hormones) into the reward centre of the brain. The instant ‘lift’ we get from sugar is one of the reasons many people turn to it at times of stress, difficultly, celebration or when we crave comfort or reward. This is also why people who eat a lot of sugar continually seek out foods that will produce those feel-good and positive feelings again and again. As a kid, we’re often warned about the dangers of alcohol and drugs. But hardly anyone ever cautions us against the health detriments and addictive nature of sugar.

How Does Excess Sugar Affect the Body?

Due to the effects refined sugar has on our brains, there is a greater chance of becoming overweight or obese if it’s consumed on a regular basis. It can override the feelings of fullness and satiety because sugar is filled with empty calories and lacks important food components such as vitamins, minerals, fibre, quality fats and protein which help us to feel satisfied (and nourished).

Another reason sugar may be contributing to obesity is because the food manufacturers have found clever ways to disguise the word sugar which unfortunately can make it harder to identify it in the ingredients list. You can read more about this in my blog ‘Unmasking Hidden Sugars’ where I take an in depth look at where you can find hidden sugars in food products and provide an extensive list of all the sneaky names manufactures use in replace of the word ‘sugar’.

Some of the other negative health effects excess sugar consumption has on our bodies include:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Increased gut permeability
  • Low-grade inflammation
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Oxidative stress
  • Hypoglycaemia
  • Tooth decay
  • Suppressed immune system
  • Vitamin and mineral depletion
  • Increased risk of developing cancer
  • Increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes
  • As well as increased risk of developing other diseases like liver and inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis and mental decline.

But the good news is that you can prevent and even reverse much of the harm done by sugar immediately, simply by cutting refined and added sugars out of your diet.

If giving up your sugar habit seems daunting, I’ll be totally honest with you – it can be hard.

Sugar is addictive and can trigger withdrawal (detox) symptoms in some people if it’s stopped cold turkey. Your moods may change, and some people experience anxiety, anger, headaches and fatigue.

Even some artificial sweeteners can cause these effects of withdrawal, so it’s best not to use them as a way to reduce sugar intake. I recommend you see a professional health practitioner or nutritionist for guidance/support if you are struggling (even with the idea) to eliminate sugar.

If you need a little more motivation to give up the addictive white stuff, then please read on.

What Happens To Your Body When You Cut Sugar Out of Your Diet?

Lowered Inflammation and a Boost To Your Immune System
A study found that eating 100g of sugar lowered the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria by as much as 50% and this lasted for up to 5 hours. Sugar also contributes to chronic inflammation, which lowers our immune system’s ability to fight off colds and flu. So what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar? Your immune system will improve which means you’re likely to have fewer colds and doses of flu, and it may also help to reduce your allergy and asthma symptoms.

You’ll Sleep Better
People can develop low blood sugar and get night sweats if they’ve eaten something sugary before bed. Eating sugar before bed can also supercharge stress hormones, which can lead to trouble sleeping. What happens when you stop eating sugar? You will get higher quality sleep within 2-3 days of kicking the sugar habit.

Your Moods Will Improve and You Will Experience Decreased Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms
You might think that a tub of double chocolate chip ice cream will put you in a good mood, but actually the exact opposite might be true. There is a strong link between high sugar consumption and depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses like schizophrenia. While sugar doesn’t necessarily cause these mental illnesses, it does appear to worsen symptoms and it also impairs the person’s ability to cope with stress. While eliminating sugar alone may not cure anxiety and depression, it can help to minimise symptoms, boost energy levels, improve mood and the body’s ability to cope with stress.

Better Gut Health
There are many ways that sugar can negatively impact digestion. When there is too much sugar in your body for your bloodstream to absorb, the excess sugar makes its way through your digestive system. The bacteria in the bowels feast on the sugars, producing gasses. This can lead to abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhoea and/or flatulence. It’s also possible that too much sugar can cause an overgrowth of harmful bacteria, parasites, SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) and candida in the digestive system.

  • Parasites feed off of the sugar we consume. Sugar cravings can be a sign you have intestinal parasites as they send you signals to you to eat more sugar so they can grow bigger and stronger.
  • Candida uses the energy from sugar to build up their cell walls making it stronger and allowing it to grow quicker and spread throughout the body.
  • Sugars found in fruit and sweeteners can feed certain bacteria that are responsible for SIBO and can worsen SIBO symptoms.
  • Gut Dysbiosis – simple sugars can cause a disruption in our gut flora and actually increase the bad bacteria which can eventually outweigh the beneficial bacteria and can then cause many different health issues.
  • Leaky Gut can be caused by any of the above, so it goes without saying that reducing your sugar intake is the best place to start for all of these types of gut issues.

Less Energy Crashes
Added sugars and simple carbohydrates are digested fast and enter your bloodstream quickly, providing that familiar rush of energy. But once that sugar is metabolized, you experience an energy crash. Many people ride this energy roller coaster all day long, since added sugar is hiding in countless sneaky places. This is why I recommend to always add quality protein and healthy fats to each meal you consume as they’ll supply you with a steadier stream of long lasting energy so you no longer experience those sugar crashes.

Weight Loss
When you eat sugar, insulin production increases. Insulin in turn prohibits the body from using fat as fuel while converting sugar to fat, and weight gain is the result of the whole process. By eliminating sugar, you allow insulin to remain at an optimal level. Additionally, when you cut out sugar, you also cut out processed foods such as lollies, biscuits, soft drinks, double chocolate chip ice cream, caramel Frappuccino’s, Cadbury’s chocolate and other junk foods that are devoid of nutritional value. Your health will start to improve because you’ll naturally gravitate towards eating more unprocessed, natural foods. You’ll start to consume more fruit, veggies, seafood, eggs, nuts, grains, seeds and meat. Not only are these foods healthier for you, they’re full of quality fats, protein, fibre, nutrients and vitamins that will fill you up faster, as well as sustain and satiate you for much longer. This means, too, that your snacking and sugar cravings will begin to decrease which can also lead to weight loss.

Better Skin
Sugar has a dehydrating and premature aging effect on our skin. It can also cause more oiliness, breakouts or acne, as well as dark circles under the eyes. What happens when you stop eating sugar? Your whole complexion will improve within days, your face will be more hydrated and plump, with less bags and dark circles and fewer wrinkles than before.

Other Health Benefits Include:

  • Better energy levels
  • Decreased sugar cravings and hunger
  • Lowered diabetes risk and heart disease
  • Improved memory and a clearer mind
  • Can prevent fatty liver disease
  • Improved hormones
  • Improved oral health
  • Improved blood sugar levels

Gross Things Your Body Does When You Don’t Shower For 2 Days

We all have those days when we don’t feel like showering, I mean it’s natural, most of us are just too lazy to get up and get the job done, especially as adults when we don’t have anyone pushing us into the shower anymore. And it happens. we totally relate, but have you ever wondered what happens to your body when you fail to wash it on a daily basis? No? Well, we’ve compiled some points and explained them in graphic detail, brace yourself! Hopefully this will be the motivation you need to get up and take a bath!

6. The smell:

Yes, lets discuss the inevitable, you will totally smell if you don’t shower, so might as well just get down and done with it. And the thing about the smell is that you don’t just smell cause of all that sweat and dirt, it’s actually the bacteria that’s been accumulating in your underarms and basically everywhere on your body.

5. Getting crusty:

Once its been long enough all the sweat and dirt is going to start getting crusty, yes, by that we mean layer of sweat just peeling off your body and you’re left wondering what the stuff is. Before it comes to this point though, we believe its better that you start bathing, I mean, it’s not that hard, just get it done.

4. Getting sick and diseased:

Bad hygiene is one of the top reasons why people get sick around the world, it’s usually poor conditions that helps bacterial and fungal germs to develop and thrive, and the skin can only take so much of the hit before it started getting sick as well, fungal infections of the skin are usually because of poor hygiene and sweat accumulation. As discussed previously a lot of airborne diseases also find their way into our body because of our carelessness when it come to our overall cleanliness.

3. Rashes and redness on the skin:

As mentioned previously fungal infections are among the first to make homes on our skin as the sweat and moisture is exactly where they need to grow. Such fungal infections can lead to itching and redness and ultimately to rashes and other skin problems. Such issues can usually be resolved by started to shower daily, but an increased number of fungal infections can be due to immunodeficiency it’s better to get it checked by a doctor if the rashes and redness don’t go away after bathing.

2. All previous skin conditions worsen:

Leaving your skin exposed to the sun and dust and then not even cleaning it after the day’s done can do nothing put pressure and worsen all the skin conditions your already suffering from, and not bathing doesn’t just cause problems for skin, it worsens all kinds of diseases, and makes the healing process harder for your body, so sometimes the best thing to do if you are sick its better is to get up and wash it off.

1. Oily hair:

A lot of people suffer from having oily hair, and the dirt only makes your hair look worse in combination to all that oil. It gives you a dirty appearance and totally ruins your look completely by making you appear odd and unclean.

In conclusion:

It’s important to understand that bathing not only helps our immune system in its mission to keep us healthy and secure, it also does wonders for our self-esteem and our public image. So when you wake up in the morning, do shower. Remember beauty is all about self-care and maintenance!

Wrap Your Breasts In Cabbage Leaves And Wait For 1 Hour

The answer is YES, many women put cabbage leaves on their breasts. Take a look at the article below and find out more about this method.

Cabbage leaves are used to reduce breast swelling and relieve the pain and discomfort that breastfeeding a baby can cause. This method is also very helpful in soothing the pain and stress caused by wearing an uncomfortable bra.
According to the experts, cabbage leaves have the same properties as magnets – they pull out all the diseases and ailments from our bodies. This means that if you are breastfeeding and you put cold cabbage leaves directly on your breasts, it’s not only soothing, but it can help alleviate your breast pain and swelling.

If You Sleep Naked Tonight, Here’s the Surprising Effect It’ll Have on Your Body

Naturally, sleeping is one of the most essential things we can do for the sake of our health. If you lack sleep it may be very dangerous for your health. Nevertheless, are you familiar with the fact that if you sleep naked this will provide more benefits than if you sleep clothed? Actually, less than 10% of Americans sleep naked. What sleeping naked does is offer amazing health benefits, both physically and psychologically.

What Happens if You Sleep Naked?

1. Improves the Skin’s Repair Processes

If you sleep naked the skin will repair itself more easily. What will happen is the sebaceous glands will work at full capacity and the skin will absorb the nutrients more quickly. Also, the body’s metabolic rate will improve.

2. Reduces Pain

Sleeping naked will stimulate circulation and reduce pain, especially that one in the abdominal area. Due to the pain relief, you will start to feel more comfortable and you will sleep tighter.

3. Boosts the Energy

If you have a good night’s sleep, which you will if you sleep naked, your energy levels will get increased. This will help you have sufficient energy through the day.

4. Feeling More Frisky

Skin to skin contact increases the bonding hormones like oxytocin and this will make you more sensitive to your partner’s touch. Also, this will strengthen the feelings of trust, connectivity and lower the heart rate.

5. Promotes Weight Loss

Due to sleeping naked, the cortisol levels will increase, and not only you will sleep better, but the weight loss process will be promoted as well. If you want to lose some weight, this is the solution.

6. Prevents Bacteria

Sleeping naked can prevent the growth of yeast and bacteria. Also, this will dry out the spots of perspiration and keep the body comfortable.

7. Improves Sleep

If it was not obvious by now, sleeping naked is better for sleep than sleeping with clothes. What happens is the body temperature declines and if you wear clothes, the cycle is disrupted. Thus, you will toss and turn and have irregular sleeping patterns. While, if you sleep naked, this will promote the sleep quality and you will sleep like a baby.

If you needed some reasons to sleep naked, we offered you 7 of them. If this is not enough to make you sleep naked, we do not know what is. Just embrace this and start sleeping naked, your health will improve and you will sleep like a baby.


We all do it from time to time. We feel an itch or scratch and the next thing we know we’re sticking our fingers up our noses. But did it ever occur to you that it might actually be dangerous? Read on to find out why you might want to think twice before going after that next booger…

Dangerous and even multiresistant bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus can get into your body. These germs live in your sinuses and you “feed” them every time you stick your finger in your nose.

Another complication: The nasal walls get irritated and can become chronically infected. Nose picking can injure the sensitive mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

Scabbing builds up and makes you want to scratch even more. This is how the viruses, bacteria, and fungi that are under your fingernails get into your bloodstream and make you sick.

Nosebleeds can be very severe because there are five arteries that run through the lower part of the nose! The sensitive mucous membrane in the nose can take several weeks to heal properly.

Who would have thought that such a harmless habit could be so bad for our health? So the next time you get the urge to do some booger mining, it might be better to reach for a tissue and blow your nose instead.

5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this.

If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the worst.

Ergo, let’s get a few facts straight first. Breast pain alone isn’t usually an indicator of breast cancer; and, according to experts, it is much more likely that tender, aching breasts could be caused by something else.

The following are 5 very likely reasons why you’re experiencing pain, or even increased sensitivity, in your breasts:

Mastitis is an infection of breast tissue that leads to the inflammation, i.e., abnormal swelling and redness of breasts.

In most cases, it is as a result of an infection of a woman’s breast ducts and occurs in mother’s who are nursing. While breastfeeding, bacteria residing inside the baby’s mouth could gain entry into a woman’s breasts through her nipple .

Other than breast pain, mastitis could also lead to symptoms such as:

  •  General discomfort in breasts.
  •  Fever of 38.3 C (101 F) or higher temperatures.
  •  Chills, fatigue or malaise.
  •  Warm or red breast skin.
  •  Nipple discharge or pus is also common .

If left untreated, mastitis could lead to the formation of an abscess. Once diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics (for the infection) and NSAID (for the pain, swelling, and fever) .

Finding a lump in your breast can be terrifying. However, not all tumors and lumps happen to be cancerous. One such benign (read: noncancerous) tumor is called a fibroma . It is most commonly discovered in women below the age of 30.

Fibromas are very small but feel distinctly different from surrounding breast tissue. Their boundaries are clearly defined and they can be moved under the skin. They feel almost like small marbles and could possess a rubbery feel .

While the exact cause of fibromas isn’t fully known yet, the hormone ‘estrogen’ has been thought to play a role in the genesis and development of these benign tumors. Additionally, the use of oral contraceptives in women below 20 years of age has also been linked to a higher risk of the development of fibromas .

These benign tumors could grow, especially if you’re pregnant. Once they hit menopause, women often report fibromas as shrinking. It is entirely possible for fibromas to resolve spontaneously by themselves. Occasionally, however, if they’re on the larger scale, they may require surgical excision.

A cyst in one’s breast may feel like a lump, but it could actually be a small and usually harmless sac residing in your breast tissue, which is actually filled with fluid rather than cancerous or noncancerous cells .

They can be found in one or both breasts and can also present with signs and symptoms such as:

  •  Breast tenderness or pain in the region of the breast cyst.
  •  Nipple discharge that could be clear, straw colored or even dark brown.
  •  A lump that is smooth and easily moveable with distinct boundaries or edges (signifying a benign nature).
  •  Changes in breast tenderness and size of the lump with your menstrual cycle .

 Simple breast cysts that are fluid-filled are usually confirmed on ultrasound and rarely require any treatment. If your symptoms are severe, your doctor may prescribe birth control or hormonal therapy. Surgery is recommended in rare cases.

Cyclic breast pain, i.e. pain that comes and goes with your monthly periods, is the most common cause for mastalgia. This symptom is part of a group of symptoms, which are collectively called premenstrual syndrome or PMS .

It is usually generated in women due to the normal monthly fluctuations in hormones, and generally this pain occurs in both breasts. Estrogen will cause breast ducts to enlarge while progesterone will cause milk glands to swell – both events lead to tender breasts. Women who suffer from menstruation induced breast pain often describe it as soreness or heaviness of the breasts that radiates to the arm and armpit.

Generally, this pain is most severe right before a woman’s menstrual period and will often cease once the period ends. It occurs most commonly in younger women and will usually disappear around menopause.

Your diet could very well be the guilty culprit behind your breast pain. Foods rich in sodium, caffeine or those having a high fat content are perfect examples .

Other foods to watch out for include:
• Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and other dried foods
• Black tea, green tea, soda, and other caffeinated beverages
• Chocolate
• Processed condiments or sauces
• Salted fries or popcorn
• Red meat and sausages

If you haven’t yet consulted a doctor, and despite limiting your consumption of the above-listed foods your breast pain still persists, please get a medical examination done at once.

Also, if you have been experiencing frequent or intense breast pain or an existing breast lump has grown or changed, please consult a doctor right away. Stay healthy!


Men and women’s natural smells and tastes are part of human se*uality, and as long as you’re healthy, there’s nothing wrong with how the universe made you.


Did you know that vegetarians have been proven to have better-tasting secretions than meat eaters?! It’s true that what you eat affect how you taste and smell down there.

According to the Kinsey Institute, fruit (especially citrus, bananas, and papayas), spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint, among others), parsley, wheatgrass, and celery up the flavor of semen. Cigarettes, caffeine, red meat, onions, and garlic make it taste worse.


Sweat cause odors and pubic hair retains sweat. By waxing, the chance of odor caused by sweat is significantly reduced and in my opinion, a waxed va*ina is visually more appealing.


Exposing your va*ina to overly hot water can kill a lot of your body’s natural bacteria which preserves the delicate balance of your va*ina. You should avoid sitting in hot tubs with very hot water too frequently or for too long. S*x in a hot tub? Probably a bad idea.


The honey pot is essentially a rich ecosystem, everything has to exist in the right balance and it is easy to upset it. If you use soap, antibacterials, use pools frequently, take hot baths, use lotion too close to the vulva, don’t change underwear often enough, use scented pads, use underwear made out of stifling material (amongst other things) this delicate balance can be upset and cause the problem.

If Your Kidneys Are In Danger, Your Body Will Give You These 7 Signs

For your health, the kidneys are essential because they detoxify and cleanse the body by filtering 10-150 quarts of blood in a day.

Their location is under the rib cage. Their function is to eliminate unnecessary and excessive fluids from your body, regulate the electrolyte levels, produce more red blood cells, regulate your body pressure as well as keep your bones healthy and strong.

In case of their endangerment or if they are impeded, entire health is at risk. That is the reason why it is highly important to learn distinguishing the signs that the body gives you that indicate kidney damage and failure:

Urination Changes – the most common early symptoms of kidney damage:

  • trouble urinating;
  • urine’s color is pale, often need for urination and in large amounts;
  • foamy urine;
  • urine’s color is dark, reduced need for urinating or reduced amount or urine;
  • often urges for urinating at night; pressure during urinating.

Swellings – If case of a kidneys’ function damaging, the body cannot release excess fluids and this leads bloating of the face, joints and limbs as well as to swellings.

Metallic Taste In The Mouth – because of the waste deposits in the blood, you can have a bad breath or a changed taste in the mouth. If the kidney is severely damaged you can experience big change in the taste of some foods or a low appetite.

Fatigue – if the kidneys are at a good health, they will produce EPO (erythropoietin), that is, a hormone that is responsible for producing red blood cells which supply the oxygen needed for the body. If the red blood cells are lowered, you start to experience fatigue, brain and muscles damage. This is also a common sign of severe anemia.

Pain – another very known sign of kidney damage or failure is an upper back pain, just where the kidneys are, and this pain can be as well accompanied by kidney infections or stones.

Shortness of Breath – the damage of the kidneys can as well lead to shortness of breath due to the fact that the body is deficient of oxygen, because of the lowered number of red blood cells that deliver oxygen throughout all of the body. Their number is lowered due to the accumulated toxins in the lungs.

Bad Concentration and Dizzines – If there is deficient oxygen in the brain it can lead to severe anemia or kidney failure, which furthermore leads to poor concentration and focus, dizziness or memory issues or light – headedness.

Skin Rashes – the deposits that are waste can as well lead to kidney failure, and therefore the skin may be itchy and covered with rashes. As the waste gets accumulated in the blood, it leads to unhealthy appearance of the skin, making it look irritated and dry. This can be betters a little by using lotions or creams, but the real problem is internal and shall be treated in such a way.

Bearing all of this in mind, it is highly important to take a proper and cautious care of the kidneys’ health and consume high-antioxidant foods, supplements and a proper amount of water. This will help the functioning of the kidneys, prevent any complications of this kind, and maintain a good overall health.

A Recipe Written in the Bible: This powerful, 3500 year old Remedy is a Cure for all Diseases!

Olives are widely grown throughout the whole world, and they are mainly used for culinary purposes. It is interesting that they have been used in culinary and medicinal purposes since ancient times, and it is thought that they have powerful healing properties and the ability to cure flu, herpes, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, pneumonia, hepatitis B and meningitis. What makes them so useful is a chemical compound called oleuropein.

Oleuropein acts as an anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial agent, which makes it highly effective antiseptic.

Tea made from olive leaves is great against a number of health issues:

– Encephaitis

– Diphtheria

– Stomach Ulcers

– Malaria

– Botulism

– Atherosclerosis

– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

– Herpes

– Hepatitis B

– Meningitis

– Flu

– Tuberculosis

– Gonorrhea

– Pneumonia

In addition, this tea will also help you raise your energy levels and it will boost your immune system. You can drink it when you’re feeling stressed and you want to relax, and its excellent for use after a chemo treatment.


15-20 dried olive leaves

2-3dl boiling water


Leaves should be collected in the Spring and dried outside. When they have thoroughly dried out, put them in a jar and keep them in a cool place. You will need 15-20 leaves for this tea.

Put the leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes . After that let the tea cool off for 15 minutes and add lemon juice and honey if you want to enrich the taste. Drink the tea for several consecutive weeks and you will feel all its advantages.